Power bottoms yes 🔥◆◆◆◆
"Hey what are you doing after classes?"
"Well I've got soccer practice." Jungkook replies to his ex girlfriend Jisoo who had approached his lunch table, she stayed standing with her eyes hooked on Jungkook out of his other good looking friends.
"I was hoping we could hang out. How about after your practice." Jisoo suggests with a wink.
Whistles emit from Jungkook's friends and he snaps his head towards them. "Fuck off you guys." He scowls at them.
"Come on bruh she wants you." Johnny suh throws out.
Jungkook ignores him and faces back over to the girl awaiting his answer. "I can't okay, I'm gonna be extremely exhausted so."
Jisoo pouted her lips, applying more weight on one leg sticking out her hip. "Aw that's too bad. I really miss spending time with you. In your dorm. Just us two without your roommate. Remember?"
More whistles erupted and so Jungkook stands up and takes the girl with him few feet away from the tables and conversations. "Jisoo come on it's over between us. Been a week now."
"I know but ever heard of friends with benefits?" Jisoo questions, hinting at an obvious suggestion.
"Yeah but no we can't do that." Jungkook replies firmly. "Look you and I are history now. There will be no more dates, so you can stop because this obsession of yours isn't healthy."
Jisoo hummed poking her glossed pink lips."I cannot wait to see you run back after me."
"Doubt it, that isn't happening." Jungkook turns to leave but then says one last thing before doing so. "Oh and please delete all those pictures of me you took earlier." Jungkook finishes with and heads back to his table.
"What happened? Thought you were gomna take her somewhere to bang, I would have." Jaehyun let out watching Jungkook sit back down.
"Yeah no turned her down. She's my ex you guys." Jungkook scoffs brushing his fluffy fringe
"Shit she's hot I'll take her!" Johnny says raising his hand.
Mark Lee speaks up with a glaring look at the other male "Bro aren't you seeing rosé tho?"
"Nothing wrong with having two girls for each arm."
"Besides.." Jungkook crossed his arms and nibbles on the inside of his bottom lip, despising that he even feels this way. He shouldn't. "Got someone else in my mind."
"Woah shit who's she huh?" Mark Lee says both hands dramatically placed on the table.
"Your mom that's who." Jungkook instantly spits out and the guys laugh expect Mark.
"Ow come on dude don't." Mark grumbles, since he's been missing his mom. "And I just talked to her on the phone too."
Ok so this someone swirling in Jungkook's mind shouldn't even be there. But why is he there.
Kim Taehyung.
Jungkook doesn't want him in his mind but he simply can't stop thinking about yesterday and how Taehyung fucked him...really good..really really good. Jungkook couldn't believe he went through with it.
He had sex, that's not new to him, but this was gay sex with a guy. Something he never imagined happening. Having a cock shoved into him. An act that has never ever crossed his mind like what.

Fanfiction"Admit it, I've fucked the heterosexuality out of you Jeon." Straight homophobe Jeon Jungkook's plan was simple. Storm up to homosexual Kim Taehyung's dorm room aka his rival. Then beat the living shit out of him, and that's it call it a day goodni...