Chapter Ten: Blushing Talks

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((Authors note: I'm sorry it took so long, I've had writer block and have been really busy. I'm sorry if this chapter is sloppy, it's just I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer. Hopefully you'll enjoy!))

I haven't been able to look Adam and Oliver in the eyes all morning. Every time I look at them I think about what happened last night. After a while Oliver somehow joined in too. I laid in the middle with a situation that just kept growing, and hardening.

I couldn't believe myself. I was getting aroused by two sleeping men. I am so ashamed I can't even think about it. I am terrible. If this were at Ben's I would have been punished to at least a day in the cage with no food or water. Or sometimes he touched me. He said it was my own fault and that if I hadn't wanted to be touched I wouldn't have an erection in the first place.

Adam and Oliver have both been sending me weird looks. They look as if they want to ask me something. I don't want to ask what though. I look up for a split second and quickly look down, reddening on my nose and ears. I had looked right into Adam's eyes. It made me think about them Doug the same thing as last night but only awake. I wonder what the look on their faces would be. I redden even more, it grows to my cheeks.

Finally Oliver gets the courage to speak. "Kenny, did we do something wrong?" His voice sounded slightly broken and was filled with sadness.

"N-no- it's just-well-I-you see- last night-you-and umm well-and-yeah." I jumbled my words around and rambled on. I was infinitely embarrassed. I can't describe how humiliating this is.

"What? Kenny, we don't quite understand what you are saying." Adam replied slowly.

I took a deep breath, breathed out and slowly talked. "Well, I laid between you guys and umm things happened. You like to talk in and move blushingly in your sleep. Then Oliver joined in on the embarrassing moment. I couldn't do anything but lay there. It was quite a pickle I was in." I said slowly and as quietly as I could.

I kept my head down, looking at my swaying feet and twisting fingers. They became more and more interesting as time ticked by ever so silently. No one dared to say a single word. If you listened you could hear every single breath they took in and let out.

Why are they so quiet? What happened? They say stiff and rigid. They hadn't moved an inch from before I told them about last nights little incident. Just thinking about it made my ears turn a dark shade of pinkish-red. Why do I have to change color every time I think about it?

Then all of a sudden Oliver starts to laugh. It wasn't the usual small little giggle or chuckle. It was a laugh from deep down one that continues to build and build. It was a contagious laugh and Adam caught it. He laughed with the same laugh that came from the heart. They laughed until they had tears dripping down their faces. Finally their laughter calmed, although a few chuckles escape everyone in a while. They wiped their tears and cleared their throats.

"I am so sorry Kenny. We had no idea we did something like that. We thought you were and at us." Oliver explained a giggle slipping through.

"Wait you aren't upset, right? I'm sorry if it upset you. I swear we wouldn't have done something like that without your permission had we been awake." Adam quickly added.

"I thought you would be the ones angry with me." I exclaimed, but quickly covered my mouth after.

"What? Why? You didn't do anything wrong." Adam asked.

"Well, when you both started doing things, I started to become manlier." I tried to explain without actually saying it.

"Oh, Kenny, that's nothing to be ashamed about. everyone does it, it's normal." Oliver soothed.

I nodded my head but didn't reply. It became silent again. It was awkward now though. We just sat looking at each other and our surrounding. I looked out the window to see a storm gathering. Adam cleared his throat and smiled, breaking the ever so quiet silence.

"We missed breakfast, but who wants some lunch?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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