Chapter 16

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I figured out where they're keeping my boyfriend. At Elena's. I show up at her house and my dad answers the door, "hi, Daddy. I believe you have something that belongs to me."

He shakes his head, "you aren't coming in here... You'll wake him up."

I smile, "I guess it's a good thing I've already been invited in."

I use magic to push him back and walk inside of the house. I sigh as I look at Kai, "poor Sexy Sociopath. It's a shame that you all have so much faith in Jo. She clearly won't beat him. He's so strong that you had to sedate him to keep him from killing people."

He gets a phone call and I hear them say he needs to go the hospital that Jo works at. I smile at him, "go on, Dad. I'll watch Kai for you."

He scoffs and grabs my arm, "nice try. I'm not letting you anywhere near your sociopath boyfriend without adult supervision."

I follow him out, "he's actually my sociopath fiance. And I'm pretty sure I'm an adult. I'm like 170 years old."

He pulls me to the car, "you aren't an adult when it comes to that boy. You clearly make horrible decisions when it comes to him."

"You kind of didn't give me a choice but to fall in love with him."

He looks at me with a confused face and I smile, "I was trapped with him for 3.5 years, Dad. He's young, he's hot, he's the only guy in the world I'm in for 3.5 years. Of course I was gonna fall madly in love with him. And I'm sorry that he's a sociopath, but you can't really choose who you fall in love with. And just so you're aware. I feel everything he feels because I got stupid and tied our souls together."

"You did what, Theodora?!"

"It's not a full soul tie. I can't die with him..I can just communicate with him without speaking and I feel his pain."

After finding out Caroline basically killed her mother, my Dad brings me back to the place that Kai is. He gets an idea, but he tells me to go in the Hallway for a minute. I hear Kai talk and run into the room.


He catches me as I jump into his arms, "hello, Princess."

As he talks to my Dad, I read his mind and yell at him through our mind link.

You aren't killing her, Malachi Parker!

He kisses me and tilts my chin up, holding me in place so he can kiss me, I  won't kill her. I'll absorb the magic and whatever happens next, happens.

I nod my head as I look up at him, "are you gonna kill your sister tonight?"

He nods his head, "yes, Princess. Are you coming with me?"

I nod my head, end up at the hospital, then end up in a park. Luke ends up coming to save Jo and as they fall. Jo runs to Luke while I run to Kai.

"Come on, Baby. Wake up... Please... I love you... Please..."

I start crying and Jo looks at me, "how can you love him? He's a monster."

I look up at her, "a monster that you helped create."

I keep hitting Kai's cheek gently, "Baby. Please. Wake the fuck up. You aren't leaving me."

Jo shakes her head, "you're rooting for him? Luke has been nothing but good to you."

"Yeah. Luke is a great guy. But he's not him. I don't know why I love him, Jo. I don't even want to love him. But I do. With every single piece of my soul and my heart, I love your brother. And I know that he hurt you. I know that he killed your family. But that's only because nobody ever fucking loved him."

She smiles, "you can't love away the sociopath, Thea."

I look at and nod my head, "maybe not. But I can sure as Hell try. And believe me. I'm gonna try. He needs someone, Jo. He's never had anyone."

My Dad shows up and I stand up, "Daddy..."

He hugs me as I start crying, "I don't wanna lose him, Dad..."

We stand for a minute before I hear Kai's voice, "you win some, you lose some. Except for me. I always win."

I break apart from my Dad and jump into Kai's arms. He teleports away and when we get to where he takes us. He looks at me and wipes the tears away from my cheeks, "aww... My poor angel. You thought you lost me?"

I nod my head and he sucks my tears from his fingers before he grabs my cheeks, "I'm right here, Princess. I'm okay. I'm strong... I'm the leader now..."

I smile at him, "that means you can't be with me?"

"And why is that?"

"I can't have babies."

He smirks and pushes me to the bed using magic, "we'll just have to get you a vampire cure. Then you can carry all of my babies."

He doesn't want to have sex though, he lays on my chest and sighs, "Baby. I'm feeling things. Like I'm really feeling things. I knew I loved you, but oh my god... I love you... And I feel so bad about Luke. How do you process emotions?"

I smile at him, "if they become too much. I turn off my humanity switch. But only knows 3 emotions. Sadness which I really only feel when I'm without you, happiness which I only feel when I'm with you and rage, that I feel always mixed in with the others."

He smiles at me, "aw... Now you're the Sexy Sociopath..."

I giggle at him, "Kai. You're still a sociopath... You're just feeling things. It's good to feel things. You get used to them. And I'll be here every step of the way."

He sits up and nods his head, "will you sit with me while I write a letter to Jo? I think I wanna tell her that I'm sorry... I feel guilty..."

"That's a bad thing?"

He nods his head and I push him up, "let's go write the letter."

He starts writing and a few minutes later walks in the bedroom, "Baby... There's water in my eyes!"

I smile at him, trying not to laugh, "you're crying, Malachi."

He shakes his head, "I don't cry."

I smile at him and giggle, "Luke did though. You have emotions! You have emotions!"

He shakes his head and lays in my lap, "I don't want emotions! I liked it better when the only thing I have a fuck about was you and food!"

"Well. Now you can give a fuck about other things... Come on. Get up. Finish your letter. It'll help you feel better."

"I don't believe you. But okay."

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