Chapter 21

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I've refused food and company, but I still listen in. That's when I hear Elena come up with an idea, "what if we give Thea half of the cure?"

My Dad shakes his head, "no. I already gave a bit of it. And she hasn't eaten in a few days, so she probably doesn't even know I gave it to her."

That's when I start to scream as I feel my humanity start coming back through. Then I pass out.

I wake up and feel everything... So I scream and yell, "Dad!"

He comes running and when he sees that I'm me again, he opens the door and takes the chains off. I immediately start breaking down, "you killed Kai..."

He nods his head and I stand up, "I've gotta get out of here..."

I start running and end up tripping in the middle of the road. I just end up sitting there, screamimg my lungs out. Then I decide to try to mind link with him.

Kai... Please tell me that you can hear me... Kai... Please!

He doesn't answer, so I scream at the top of my lungs again. I literally just keep screaming.

I wake up on a couch and raise up, looking around. My Dad smiles at me, "good morning. I got a call at 3am that you were screaming in the middle of the street. So I picked you up. Your uncle is coming to get me and you have a wedding to go to."

I end up at the church and I smile at Jo, "I'm so sorry..."

She hugs me, "I told you. It's okay. It's all okay. I'm glad he's locked away, but I'm sorry you lost him... You really did bring out the best in him."

I smile at her, "I'm gonna go see what Caroline needs me to do."

Caroline smiles at me, "I'm sorry."

I shake my head and glare at Bonnie, "I really shouldn't be here..."

Caroline smiles again, "that's nonsense. Come on. You can help me set up chairs. If Jo wants you here, you're gonna be here... Forget your ex, and let's just made this the best day of Jo and Alaric's life."

I nod my head, "I think he might be dead. And I hate it. But yeah, let's get this ready."

We spent the rest of the day getting everything ready. Then Caroline forces me into a dress and does my hair, "you look beautiful... Just enjoy yourself."

"I'm trying, Caroline."

We get outside and I see all of the Gemini Coven around, they all glare at me and I grab onto Stefan's arm as I see him, "they all hate me, Uncle Stefan."

I start to cry and he hugs me, "you're okay. Here. Come with me."

Alaric smiles when he sees me, "you're here? I'm glad you're here... I know everything is hard..."

I chuckle, "yeah. Your future-in-laws are glaring at me... It's like I used to be engaged to someone that they hate."

Ricks laughs and pats my head, "all that matters is you broke his spell. You're a good kid, Thea. And you deserve better."

I nod my head, but I don't believe any of it. I wanna scream at everyone here that it's their fault that the love of my life is locked up in a prison world. That if they hadn't treated him the way they did, he wouldn't be the way he is. I want to love him. And I do love him because he deserves love just like anyone else and it isn't his fault that nobody else loved him before me...

As the wedding starts, I hold onto to Stefan's hand until I see blood appear on Jo's dress.

I gasp, "Kai?"

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