ch 5

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Chuuya took her by her hand dragging her through the hallway to his office as she yelled at how tight he held her wrist .
Chuuya shut the door close with a loud bang as he turned to look straight at Sera who had her face down.

Chuuya:'Today was surprising but didn't think it to be this much'

No reply :'Let's sit it's gonna be a long chat '
He said with a death glare.
Chuuya sat with Sera in his front.
Sitring on the couch.
Chuuya:'I have been as much as patient as I could have been so before I lose it start speaking.'
She looked up at him and then down again.
Sera:'Please shut up'
Chuuya:'And that's the first thing to say'
No reply

He looked at her wrist . The chains that Aktugawa put on her. And then eyed her from down to up.
Chuuya:'So you won't talk huh?'
No reply
He slammed his hand on the table which caused Sera to get startled.

Her hands were still red from how tight Chuuya holded her hand

Chuuya:'Firstly I am transferring owner then will get to the topic'

He said standing up grabbing her hand as they both left the office.

He led them both to Aktugawa's mansion where he told her to stand at the gate and the next thing she knew was Chuuya came with Aktugawa behind him and she fainted as Chuuya hit behind her neck.

The next thing she knew as she opened her eyes was she was in a room painted in black and red theme with a huge bed on which she was laying.

Chuuya:'Awake huh?'

Sera:'What do you want?'
She said with a pained expresaion.
Chuuya closed the book he was reading throwing it on the table beside him as he glared at her .

Chuuya:'Trust me you don't wanna get on my bad side'

Sera:'Then let me leave'

She started to get up but soon she wasn't able to.

Chuuya used his ability to get Sera to saty put .

Chuuya:'Jeez you are unbelievable '
He said with a frown.

Sera:'Sorry but things change with time'

Chuuya:'I don't give a damn about what you think just to be clear. I do what I want. And well for the contrary I did some research.'

Sera raised one of her eye brow.

Chuuya :'But well let's leave it to some other time. And well you won't be working for Port Mafia from today. Just stay here and do as I say. You won't be in trouble. '

Sera:'You have changed'
Chuuya:'Look who is talking'

With this he left the room

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