Chapter 2

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A/N- I've decided to continue this story because if I didn't I would have ended up hating myself for it. I hope y'all liked the first chapter. I love you guys, and without further ado, i give you chapter 2! :)
Kelly groaned when she heard the telltale beeping of her alarm clock. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times to clear them of residual sleep, a yawn escaping as she reached out to click the button on the clock that would stop the incessant noise.


The woman smiled as she turned over to lay on her side, meeting the eyes of her adoptive daughter. "Good morning, Esme."


Kelly frowned, reaching over to put a hand on Esme's arm. "Why so glum, chum?"

Esme took that as an invitation to clamber up onto the bed. Kelly instantly opened her arms up for the eleven-year-old, Esme snuggling close and resting her head on mom's chest, the steady thumping of her heartbeat soothing her.

"What's wrong, Esme?"

"Lu'xe got transferred to a new home yesterday. Mrs. Ridge picked him up from school on Friday and said he would be moving on Sunday," Esme mumbled.

Kelly pursed her lips and automatically tightened her hold on Esme. She had met the boy quite a few times when Esme would invite him over for a playdate or dinner, and he was a sweet, shy, albeit downtrodden kid. He deserved so much better than what the system was giving him. If Kelly could take him into her own home, she would, but her hands were quite full with Esme and her job. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. Did you ask her if Lu'xe would still be going to school with you?"

Esme nodded. "She said she wasn't sure."

Kelly hummed in acknowledgment, carding a hand through Esme's hair, carefully working her way through the knots that had gathered overnight. "Well, even if Lu'xe isn't there, you've got other friends you can hangout with, right?"

Esme pulled away and looked at Kelly as though she were the biggest idiot on the planet. "Yeah, but Lu'xe is my best friend. He's my favorite and I want to hangout with him," she huffed.

"I know E, and I'm really sorry, but you still have to get ready for school."

"It's not gonna be the same without Lu'xe there."

"No, it's not," Kelly agreed. "But Mrs. Ridge said that she wasn't sure, right? So there's still a chance that Lu'xe is somewhere in the neighborhood close enough for him to go to school with you. You won't know unless you actually go to school."

"I guess so," Esme said, reluctantly pulling away from Kelly's embrace. She climbed off the bed and left the room, heading for her own bedroom so she could change from her pajamas to the outfit she picked out last night with some advice, courtesy of her mom.

The brunette sighed as she swung her legs over the side of the bed, her feet meeting the soft, fuzzy carpet of the bedroom. A shiver ran through her body when she stepped on the cool tiles of the bathroom, a stark contrast to the warmth she had felt moments before. After using the bathroom, she stepped up to the sink and brushed her teeth, the mint mouthwash that followed making her feel one step closer to refreshed.

When she finished up in the bathroom, Kelly entered her bedroom and exchanged her flannel bottoms and black tank top for dark skinny jeans, a green sweater, and a tan blazer thrown over top. She clipped her watch onto her left hand and slid a thin gold band onto her right middle finger. While brushing her hair out she decided to pull it into a low ponytail, chuckling when Esme poked her head into the door as she was tying it up.

"Can I have the leftover mac n cheese for lunch today?"

"Of course," Kelly said as she unplugged her phone from its charger. She tucked it into her back pocket and followed Esme to the kitchen, where the eleven-year-old had already picked out the items she wanted to include in her lunch.

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