Chapter 4

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A/N- I'm back! I'm sorry it's taken so long, but my life has been a whirlwind and I feel like I've been on a very crazy rollercoaster. Thank you for being so understanding, so patient, and so very kind about both me and my story. I don't know when the next update will be out, but I promise you, this story isn't going anywhere. I'm going to keep writing, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Anywho, I won't keep you any longer, so please, enjoy the next chapter of this story!

Just a friendly reminder that this work is purely fictional. Supergirl and the characters all belong to the CW and the show-runners, creators, etc. I just wanted to write about them, that's all :)
Lu'xe shot up out of bed with a gasp, a mix of tears and sweat dripping down his face, stinging his eyes and making them more wet than they already were. His pajama shirt was clinging to him like it was a second skin, his heart felt like it was going to beat right out of his chest, and his breaths were coming and going in short spurts. He greedily gulped in as much air as he could, wiping his tears away with one hand while the other sought out As'tiela, gripping her tightly and bringing her to his chest as soon as he had a firm hold on her.

He desperately wanted to run out of his room and straight to Alex to seek out comfort, but he wasn't sure if that was allowed. She's been suspiciously kind so far, and he would never forgive himself if he ruined that because he was feeling scared and needy. Besides, he's learned more than once what happens if he were to wake his foster parents at ungodly hours of the night. It usually ended up with him feeling more isolated and alone than before, accompanied with a new bruise or five.

So no, he wasn't going to wake Alex. Instead, he was going to focus on trying to catch his breath. If he couldn't, he was going to lose control of his powers, and he definitely couldn't have that. The tingling sensation from earlier had returned due to his panic. He had no doubt his eyes were now a bright violet color due to the way the violet part of his multi-colored strip of hair was glowing.

He actually had no clue how his powers worked. The only thing he knew was that they made life ten times more difficult for him if only because he didn't know how to control them. It would start with the marking, then his skin would start to shimmer, followed by his eyes and hair glowing or turning one of the three colors depending on how he was feeling. If he was happy or excited, they were yellow. If he was scared or upset, they were purple. If he was angry or annoyed, they were blue. And if he was overwhelmed and feeling a mix of emotions, his eyes would swirl an even mix of all three and all three colors in the strip of hair would glow.

If he had control over his powers, he wouldn't be sent back all the time. If he just did as he was told, he wouldn't have gotten punished. If he kept his mouth shut, his meals wouldn't be withheld from him. If he wasn't so stupid, his grades would be much better. If he didn't look so much like an alien, he wouldn't be as much of an outcast. In fact, he probably wouldn't have been adopted by now. He'd heard all of this and more from everyone in his life. From the numerous foster parents, the endless foster siblings, and the constant influx of people at the group home.

The only people who actually cared about him were Esme and Kelly. That's why he likes hanging out with Esme at her house so much. The two of them don't judge him, they don't berate him, they don't do or say anything to make him feel uncomfortable.

It's quite the opposite, actually. Kelly always greets him with a hug, she always helps him and Esme with their homework, she always feeds them—whether it's snacks or a full meal—as soon as they walk in the door, and above all, she genuinely cares about him.

Kelly and Esme are everything he could have asked for in a mother and a sister. They're kind, sweet, loyal, hard-working, understanding, goofy, strong, determined, brave, awesome people. Best of all, they loved and supported one another, no matter what. Big or small, good or bad, they could always count on one another. He knew—due to multiple reminders from Kelly and Esme—that they felt as though he was another member of their family just as he felt they were his, and that that same support and love was extended to him. He wanted, more than anything, to live with them and be a permanent member of their family.

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