As the morning sun shone in from the Daycare windows, Sun's eyes fluttered opened, Sun sat up and yawned. Sun looked at his calendar and noticed that it was a Monday which would mean children in the daycare! Finally! Sun could enjoy some time with the children again, he'd been so bored over the weekend and now he can do what he loved most!
SUN: Ho! Ho! Yay! The children are going to be in the daycare! I gotta clean up the daycare!
Sun said with a smile as he stood up from his bed and began to make his way to the balcony, as Sun made it to the edge he jumped off and landed into his ball-pit at the bottom, as Sun arose from the ball-pit he soon started his daily routine on cleaning. Moon watched from afar on the jungle gym, he smiled at his active lover while he also watched as Lunar was peacefully asleep on his and Sun's bed
MOON: heh- seems the little firefly fell asleep
Moon said with a smile as he walked over from the jungle gym to his and Sun's bedroom, Moon sat down beside Lunar and hummed a small lullaby as he watched his and Sun's child sleep peacefully. It made Moon so happy to see that everything was so perfect now, after everything that had happened before he just wished he could pause right here and forget about everything.
Lunar softly moved around his their sleep as Moon quietly hummed the small lullaby, Sun on the other hand was cleaning up everything in the daycare and organised all of the things in the quiet corner, Sun always enjoyed doing things like this and it was because of how stress-relieving it was and after what happened yesterday with that weird animatronic called Eclipse it definitely helped with that.
SUN: This is nice! Everything is so organised and clean! Just how I like it!
Sun said with a proud smile as he placed a barrel down with the other barrels of the daycare, he felt so relaxed after he cleaned everything up again, it'd been a while since the daycare looked this clean, felt like eternity to Sun but it was really only one day when the daycare was messy. . .
To Be Continued ~ ☆彡
Update: Sat 8th Apr
Sorry for the short chapter! I'm kinda busy and it's my younger brother's birthday soon! So I'll see you soon!~

◎☁︎Moon x Sun☁︎◎ Book 2
RandomThe once lonely daycare attendant known as Sundrop had finally found love, the new daycare attendant known as Moondrop, the two shared love in many ways, then after the two had found a robotic child that looked like the two. . .they became a family...