It was finally time for the Mega-PizzaPlex to open, children and families walked into the building and started to move to different places to start the place running up with guests again. Sun eagerly in the daycare before all the children came running into the daycare, Sun ran over to the children that waited for Sun's arrival.
SUN: Hello friends! I've missed you all so much!
Sun said with a cheerful smile as he stood in front of the children of the daycare, they all smiled at Sun before they all started to play around in the daycare and Sun stayed with the more anxious and relaxed kids as they drew and painted. Sun missed this for too long and smiled while a small girl showed him a drawing of him and her.
SUN: Good job friend! That's so beautiful!
Sun said as he patted the girl on the head gently before he looked up at the balcony where he saw a glimpse of Moon dancing around with Lunar, it made Sun smile wider before he looked back at the playing children.
[AT THE END OF THE DAY (Because I'm really tired ~_~;)]
Once the children left the daycare, Moon stretched before he clipped the rope to his back and flew up to the balcony, once he was there he saw the warm smile of his lover playing with their child. Moon loved watches this and walked to the two before he softly cleared his throat and sat beside Sun
MOON: Hello my dear!
SUN: Hello Moony! How were the children?
MOON: It was fine, all behaved and slept well
Moon said as he gave Sun a small kiss on the cheek before he wrapped a hand around Sun's waist to pull him close as Sun rested his head on Moon's shoulder as Sun smiled happily. Moon looked down at Lunar as they were playing with a teddy bear and cat plushie, Lunar made squeals of joy as they played with the two plushies.
To Be Continued ~ ☆彡
Update: 29th Saturday Apr (AUS TIME)
Sorry for the short chapter! I'm very tired and didn't get good sleep last night- anyway!
See you all next time my children!

◎☁︎Moon x Sun☁︎◎ Book 2
CasualeThe once lonely daycare attendant known as Sundrop had finally found love, the new daycare attendant known as Moondrop, the two shared love in many ways, then after the two had found a robotic child that looked like the two. . .they became a family...