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Where the fuck am I?

I sit up instantly, regretting that choice in movement as my headaches. Eventually, I manage to look around a bit in the mostly darkened room except for some light coming from a flashing object and the light seeping in through one of the curtains behind me. I glance around the room and notice Clyde passed out in front of the flashing thing that seems to be—a karaoke machine... ah fuck.

As I watch Clyde cuddle the microphone, I start to remember myself singing into that very thing last night. At the party. Where I drank. Ugh, I just want to go home, but I'm not walking like this. Where's Kenny anyways? I stand up and balance myself before looking around the house. There aren't many people here. So far, all I've seen besides Clyde is Tolkien, who is on the couch behind the brunette, and someone who I don't recognize curled up on one of the living room chairs.

I wander into the kitchen soon after the dining room. I was about to turn around when I finally saw someone I knew, "Cartman?" I can't say this was an ideal person to talk to when hungover, but I didn't have much choice at this point.

"Jew," and that's why I should have kept walking.

I roll my eyes and walk over to the corner that Cartman sat in, "What are you doing in here?"

"Oh, you know, just hanging out," 3...2..., "Hungover as shit and sitting in a corner, what the fuck does it look like?" Damn it, I guess my timing needs more work.

I sigh before I add, "Have you seen Kenny?"

"Not recently, no."

"Well, when was the last time you did?"

"I don't know, I think he and Stan were talking about how it was past 6, and then they left to go talk about some gay shit. So I guess, however long ago that was," fuck, I forgot about Stan. Stan... why do I feel like something happened to him last night? Eh, I'm sure it was nothing, and heck, it will come back to me with time.

I reach for my back pocket and pull out my phone: 7:30. Okay, great, well, if they were last seen over an hour ago, then I don't even know where they could be by now. But they wouldn't be anywhere but somewhere in this house because I don't see them leaving without me. Or at least without telling me where they were going. "Okay, well, I'm going to look for them."

"Jesus, I'm always wanted for my knowledge but not for just me," ugh, being hungover and dealing with hungover Cartman is so much more exhausting than being sober and dealing with him in such a state. But that's not really surprising. Fuck, why did I have to drink last night? Wait, why did I drink?

I never do irresponsible shit like this. I'm always the babysitter, and due to how this morning feels, I will let it stay that way for the future. Though I'm pretty sure I had fun last night... but being safe is more important than having fun. Wow, I really am becoming my mom. Whatever, I'll figure out more details about the previous events once I find my friends.

I clear the first floor seeing no sign of Kenny or Stan. So I guess that leaves the upstairs. I slowly go up the stairs carefully to ensure my dizziness won't lead to something happening that makes today even worse. It's easy to make my way around the house since all houses in South Park look the same. I'm pretty sure they picked a design, hired a company, and gave them a number calling it a day.

I enter a room that is a complete mess—papers scattered on a desk, the floor covered in clothes, and... the bed made? But someone was on it. I hesitate before speaking, "Hey."

Craig looked just as shocked to see me, his tone sealing the deal, "Hey." I stood in the doorway as the dark-haired boy and I looked awkwardly at each other. Eventually, the awkward silence was replaced with awkward words, "Did you need something?"

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