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Aaaand I'm out of alcohol. Eh, it's about time I pay old Charlie poo a visit anyhow. Or anyways... is it anywho? Oh well, pish posh, at least I got clean thoughts. But not a clean system. Nope, that ship sailed about tres years ago.

I fumble to pick up my phone off the bathroom floor I'm lying on. The bright screen reads 4:30—to be clear, we're talking the P.M region, which might seem early to drink, but since it's a Wednesday, I think I'm being responsible. I mean, think about it, if I drink later, I'll be far too hungover at school... or when I'm driving to school? Eh, whichever comes first, but that would take some sort of genius to figure out.

I sit up and lean against the bathroom sink before clicking a caller ID and listening to the ring before finally hearing, "Hey man, what's up?"

"Well, ello, Mr. McCormick, we have a fantastic business offer for you down at the business office in West London," I giggle, hoping that my English accent fooled the blonde.

"Stan? Are you drunk?" Damn it, the little bloke caught me.

"Aw, how did you know it was me?"

"Uh, 'cause when you called, my phone shows that you were calling because I have you in my contacts. Also, I'm going to take that as a yes."

"Fuck, the stupid bastard phone always spoiling my practical jokes," I sigh, thinking about what else I wanted to talk to my good old pal about while I have him on the line. Tee hee, the line, ha so funny, "So, what's going on at the McCormick household this evening?"

I hear a soft sigh before the blonde responds with words, "First of all, it's not evening. The sun doesn't even set for another few hours. Secondly, it's always shitty here."

"Well, firstivly—"

"That's not a wor—"

"Firstivly! ...Look who suddenly knows all about time and 'when certain things occur,'" I pause to let my burn sink in, "And next, I would like to cover why times at the McCormicks aren't so hot right now. Are the parents being naughty?"

"Oh God, never say that again. It sounds weird," parents? "But essentially, yes, you know how it is. Well, at least sober, you does."

"Mmm hmm, you're right. That might only be knowledge that the non-fun version of myself beholds."

"Ha, you're fun all the time, dude. I just wish you could see that" I don't think Kenny knew I could hear him mumble that last part, but not only could I understand it, but those were the words that got tattooed in my memories. "Look, are you being safe? Like, do I need to come over?"

"No, no, I'm fine. Just chillin' in the tub," oh hey, when did I get in here?

"Are you sure you'll be okay? You won't do anything stupid? Well, more so than you've already done," yeah, that time, he didn't try to cover up the last part of what he was saying through mumbles.

"Geez, no need to be so testy, testy boy. Hey, maybe that's why we men have testicles, 'cause we're being so testy all the time."

"Okayyy... well, if you need anything else, just call and please, please stay safe."

"Okay, Mr. Kenny Cormick," and with that, I hang up, not letting myself get hung up on like a loser. See, drunk me is cool, he is the hanger-upper, but sober me is lame and is the hanger-uppee. Hmm, now who to call next...


"This is so weird."

"What, me driving my dad's car or you being up past your bedtime?" I chuckle as I move the gear shift to park.

"Haha, hilarious, Stan. You know my bedtime's 11:00, not 10:00 anymore," I laugh softly as I watch the redhead beside me beam a smile brighter than the moon he stares at out the window. "It's just that I haven't been to Stark's Pond in years. It was a normal place to go when we were kids, but I don't think I've been even this close to it since the 8th grade."

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