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New York City 2012

The battle of New York rages. In the middle of it all, I see us... past us in a circle ready to fight the Chitari. Tony, Steve, Scott, Bruce, and I are standing in an alleyway, trying not to be seen. "All right. We all have our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock." We hear a thud and a loud roar as past Hulk uses a car to smash the Chitari. Repeatedly. We look back at Bruce, who looks completely embarrassed. "Maybe smash a few things along the way." Maybe smash a few things along the way." Bruce sighs, ripping off his shirt.

"I think it's gratuitous, but whatever." He half-heartedly smashes a few cars as he walks away. I try so hard not to laugh. Tony, Steve, Scott, and I make our way to Stark Tower. Tony flies the two of us onto the penthouse floor, as past us stops Loki. "Better hustle, Cap. Things look like they're just about wrapped up here." Tony warns Steve. We land on the penthouse floor and quietly make our way through.

"Got it. I'm approaching the elevator now." Steve answers in the coms. Tony and I walk through, as his suit comes off. We can hear Loki as he lies on the ground, defeated by past us. From behind cover, Tony and I can see the back side of the past Avengers.

"Cap, I've got to say that outfit does nothing for your ass." I chuckled under my breath. He wasn't wrong.

"No one asked you to look, Tony." Steve replies, annoyed.

"I think you look great, Cap. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass." I hear Scott say into the coms. That's when I lose it... but quietly. We see Nat with the scepter.

"Ball's in play. Head's up, Cap." Tony says into the comms as the elevator beeps. My eyes go wide as I grab Tony and move so that we don't get caught. I see past-Nat hand the scepter to Agent Sitwell and I shake my head. I can see myself standing right there. Why hadn't I just kicked his ass? He is a Hydra agent. Sitwell carries the scepter to the service elevator where a strike team awaits.

"Who are these guys?" Scott asks from my shoulder.

"They are SHIELD. Technically, they are HYDRA, but we don't know that yet."

"Seriously? 'Cause it's kind of obvious they're bad guys." I wanted to flick Scott off of my shoulder, but he had a point. We really should have seen it earlier.

"You're small but you're talking loud." Tony says to him. "Ooh, you're up little buddy. There's our stone." We see the tesseract. Scott kneels down, ready for me to flick him. I flick him and watch as the tiny speck flies through the air onto past-Tony. Luckily, he didn't feel a thing. Tony holds his hand out as the suit envelopes him and he flies us out of the penthouse to watch for the scepter. "All right, Cap. I got our scepter in the elevator just passing the 80th floor."

"On it." We hear Steve. "Head to the lobby."

"See you there." I say as Tony takes us towards the lobby. Tony and I are dressed in swat troopers wear, which hides our faces almost completely. We watch as past-Tony and past-Thor carry the tesseract case through the lobby.

"Okay, Thumbelina, do you copy? I've got eyes on the prize." Tony says quietly.

"Bombs away." We can't see Scott anymore, but we can still hear him. "Is that... Axe body spray?"

"Yeah, I had a can in the desk for emergencies. Can we focus, please?" I chuckled silently.

"I'm going inside you... now." I looked over at Tony.

"That couldn't have sounded weirder." We watch as Pierce tries to take the case from past-Tony. Tony and I turn away so that no one recognizes us.

"Move it, Stuart Little. Things are getting dicey out here." Tony tells Scott. We still haven't heard from Steve.

"You promise me you won't die?" Scott asks. I look over at Tony, making sure he keeps that promise.

"We're only giving me a mild cardiac dysrhythmia." Tony answers. I shake my head.

"That doesn't sound mild." I mumbled under my breath, but Tony heard me. He didn't have time to respond to what I said because the scene in front of us was escalating.

"Do it Lang!" Tony whisper shouts. "Window's closing. Pull my pin."

"Here it goes!" Scott pulls the 'pin' and -past Tony goes down, gasping and choking for air. Everyone is concerned about him, so no one notices the tiny bug-like man pushing the case towards us. I saw Loki eye it, but I didn't think anything of it. Tony leans down when no one is looking and picks up the case, walking away. I follow. Tony and I walk towards the side door.

"Meet me in the alley. I'm just gonna grab a slice at Famous Ray's-" Before we make it to the door, it is thrown open by the Hulk and the door hits us violently, knocking us to the ground. The tesseract lands at Loki's feet and it takes only half a second for him to grab it and disappear.

"Shit." I groan as I stand up. I hate 2012. Tony whips off his mask, taking a deep breath of air.

"That wasn't supposed to happen, was it?" Scott asks through the coms as he jumps onto my shoulder again.

"Oh, we blew it." I reassure him as I help Tony up.

"Tony, what's going on? Tell me you found that cube." We hear Steve from the coms.

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