Chapter 4

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This tunnel went on for ages! Not only did it stretch on for what seemed like miles - which was perfectly plausible as it sloped downwards, meaning they were right under the plains now - it was also thin, uncomfortably so. It made it so that Tarquin and Axel who were still supporting Eli between them had to crab walk through the passage grumbling as they went. My torch bobbed around through the tunnel casting with shadows across the walls, creating illusions of creatures that weren't there. I have no idea where you were right about now, it seemed like a lot further than we should be, a lot further than we were a minute ago. Yet it seemed like the end never got any closer, almost like an optical illusion. I never did like illusions, trippy things that they were, always messing with your head, I didn't have enough brain cells for them.

I began to tilt my head from a side to side, spraying the walls with sporadic bursts of light from my head torch built into my suit - I wonder what other secrets these seats held, that would be a conversation to have with Eli. Suddenly, I stopped tilting my head distracted by something that I could see in the distance, something that looked suspiciously like an end. I really hoped it was, I was sick to death of these bloody tunnels. Please let it be an end, I will get on my knees and pray to the Martian gods if they exist that we can finally leave. I stopped, pausing to get a closer look at what I could see coming, causing Tarquin to bump into my back with his shoulder.

"Why have you stopped Sil?"

"I think I might see an end, or at least something different."

"Well don't stop then! I would pay to get out of here!"

I glanced over my shoulder, a glint in my eye, "how much you got?"

Tarq only rolled his eyes and gave me a slight shove forward, I got the message, continuing on. When we reached what I had seen, it did turn out to be an exit. Kind of; the whole thing was blocked by small rocks in the entrance.

"YOU'RE KIDDING!" Axel kicked a wall in frustration, creating a mini waterfall of dist for just a second, before it ceased and the wall went back to normal, one new scuff mark in the sandstone. We all sat down in defeat by the rubble, the only person remotely positive was Eli.

"Fascinating, all these tunnels were formed naturally!" She looked around her in wonder, oh the joys of being a nerd. Axel on the other hand looked like he was going to pass out, pale face and sweaty palms.

"Hey, Axel, what's wrong dude?"

I placed my hand on his shoulder, the poor guy was on the verge of tears. His words were broken up between heavy breaths as he attempted to keep his panic under control.

"Claustrophobic… don't like… small spaces…make me panic."

Not what I expected from someone as tough looking as Axel but everyone has their Achilles heel I guess.

We all kind of just sat there, dejected and fed up, knowing there was nothing we could do and we would just have to sit her, Eli, with her hand on Axel's shoulder in a comforting manner. I just stared at the pile of small rocks blocking the way ahead of us. I wonder…

"Hey guys… I might just know a way out of here."


Short chapter today cause I need sleep

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