Stealing the Spotlight

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Vera pulled out her field guide, examining it quizzically as she glanced up, cross referencing the map with some landmarks etched into the paper. None of it was adding up to what she was seeing, and she was already too late to her lesson for it to even be considered fashionable. The black-haired witch cursed herself for underestimating the Hogwarts halls, her patience wearing thinner by the second.

A figure walked lazily around the wing with her. It strolled towards the stairs, tossing around what she assumed was the silhouette of a wand. The rod spun as it was thrown and caught at various heights, and the lost girl would have almost been impressed had the pressure of navigation not been stressing her. The form stopped and shifted to face her. She still couldn't see the student's visage, but it changed directions to approach the wandering girl. As he came closer, Vera couldn't help but smile.

"Aren't I lucky, meeting you again. What are you doing looking like a lost niffler?" The boy called, revealing himself to be Sebastian.

She felt relief rush over her.

"Hello Sebastian. I can't seem to find the dark arts classroom. Finding anything in this school feels impossible." the witch admitted sheepishly.

The brunette was just as glad as she was that they'd met again. He knew that they would encounter each other, but he didn't think it would be this soon. Their conversation the day prior told him that this new person was worth befriending, and this was his opportunity to do so.

"What a coincidence, I was just heading there for my class. Follow me, my friend." He instructed, grinning.

Vera was more than happy to accept.

The classroom wasn't too far from where he'd found her, but the journey would have been longer without his guidance. They arrived at a small, narrow corridor. On their immediate right, a wooden arched door was located, and it was surrounded by black eyeballs, each with blue irises that were perched on silver stands. They stood idly, as if they could literally watch the corridor. The pair walked in together as professor Hecat introduced the lesson for the day. She paused upon hearing the door creak open, and all attention turned to them.

"Sebastian Sallow. Late as always. I'd hoped that over the summer you'd have acquired better time keeping skills." She quipped, crossing her arms over her unwrinkled satin blouse.

The belated student shrugged.

"I was merely showing my new classmate here. If I hadn't, she may have been wandering the school for hours."

The professor peered down at her pupil, unconvinced. To say that Sebastian Sallow had a reputation for being late was an understatement. The staff had come to expect it from the brown-haired boy, but no matter the sanctions they'd put into place, he would always stroll in two, three, four minutes late with not a care in the world.

Normally professor Hecat wouldn't be one to take excuses, but seeing as he did in fact arrive with the new fifth year, and she didn't want to cause Vera an uncomfortable situation on her first day, she let it go. It was more than likely that the troublemaker would be late of his own accord on another occasion.

"Do try arriving in a timely fashion next lesson, Sebastian. Take a seat. You may be one of our better duellers, but you still need to attend class on time like everyone else." The elderly woman warned.

"Thank you, professor." He replied, looking back at the lost student and beckoning her to the bench where a certain pale eyed Slytherin was sat. From their brief meeting in the Slytherin common room, she had gathered that his name was Ominis Gaunt. He had tried to convince her to search for merpeople, but dismissed her when he realised that she wasn't a gullible first year, stating 'I shan't waste my time on those who won't be fooled so readily.'. She wouldn't personally choose to be near the boy again, but Sebastian had invited her to join them. Following the brunette, she silently examined Ominis as she took her place next to the human school map, who rather luckily was wedged between them.

A Triage of Curses // SebastianXFemOC OminisXFemOCWhere stories live. Discover now