Chapter 4 - Bonding, kind of?

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The water from the fountain completely healed Nico's leg, but Will still made him sit on the floor and eat a few squares of ambrosia that they had brought with them. At Nico's insistence, he consumed some as well. Zagreus sighed in relief. 

'Shouldn't you heal your wounds too?'

'What? Oh, yeah. I probably should.'

The pain finally caught up to him, and he scooped some of the liquid over the wound in his chest, letting out another sigh as it closed up. The small burns also went away with a few drips of the healing liquid. He made his way over to where the boys sat, and plonked down next to them. Will had his hand on Nico's, their fingers intertwined, but the latter noticed Zagreus staring and quickly swatted it away. Will gave him a look similar to the one he gave back when they were still in the House of Hades, but didn't put his hand back. Zagreus raised an eyebrow.

'Are you two... like a thing, or?'

'Well actually-'

'AHAHA Will how about you go treat your wounds? After all doctors are no use if they're hurt too!'

Nico said quickly. 

'I didn't actually hurt myself, and I'm a lot better now from earlier. Well, I still have a few minor scratches, but nothing that actually needs healing. I'm not even bleeding anymore.'

They all sat there in awkward silence for a few moments until Will spoke again.

'So... you know Thanatos? Like, the Grim Reaper? God of death?'


'While we were in that last chamber. You held up that thing while you were fighting Megaera and yelled "Thanatos!" and then he came and helped you.'

'Oh, that! It's called a Chthonic Companion, it's name is Mort. He gave that to me a while back, and I can sort of... call him? I do that, and he'll come to help if I'm in a difficult situation. He's actually my boyfriend, so, yeah. I'd say we're pretty close.'

Zagreus nodded, laughing slightly. Will looked at Nico with yet another look that Zagreus couldn't quite decipher.

'Sometimes he comes down to help me, and we have little competitions to see who can kill the most monsters. I win most of the time, so those are pretty fun.'

'Will and I are dating too. He's really helped me through some difficult times. I don't know what I would do without him.'

Nico said in a small voice, looking away. Zagreus gasped.

'I knew it! You two are so adorable!'

Will gave Nico one final look, as if to say I told you so, and then a quick peck on the lips.

'See? Nothing bad happened!'

Zagreus nodded.

'Honestly, I don't think any of the gods really care all that much about who you love. I've heard stories about mortals making a big deal of it, but they're stupid. There are bigger things to worry about in life than who wants to kiss who.' ( I know he's super  OOC but I wanted to write this, so shush )

Nico stayed silent for a second.

'Yeah... I guess so. Thanks.'

'You're welcome. Now, if we're all rested up, we should probably consider heading up to Asphodel soon.'


I know this one was a pretty short chapter, and to be honest probably one of my worst ones yet, but I really felt like writing some sort of bonding crap between Zag and Nico, with them being brothers and all. It might affect the story in future, who knows? (author here from the future, can confirm I did not know what in the Underworld I was talking about)

Brothers from another mother - A Hades and Percy Jackson crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now