Don't Get Attached

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Hey guys! I know its been like four months since the last part. I know right now that I'm speaking to like, no one, because no one reads this fanfiction, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I'm having fun writing it, and I'm back! Alright, onto the story!

I stayed over at her house that night. Kim didn't ask me to tell her what happened, after that. I think she knew that I wouldn't be able to. All we did was watch shitty ass straight-to-DVDs under her blankets until I passed out from . . . . everything. Lakes, docs, and icy eyes chased me through my dreams until I was tangled up in her blankets.

And you. . . . you're the worst

Where were you? Where were any of you??

Get away from me!

-i didn't mean to

I woke up the next morning not knowing what was real and what wasn't. As per usual.

I checked the clock from my messed up huddle of blankets with Kim. 7:11 - that's lucky. I wish luck was real.

Aside, it was also pretty early, for me at least. Even with school right around the corner I always managed to stay unconscious until the last possible second which made me late a handful of times, but by now I've perfected the art. During the summer, I can sleep until dinner. I prefer it that way. It's better than being awake, anyhow.

I slugged my way out of Kim's bed. That's the best way to describe it. I groggily crammed my shoes back on my feet, without tying them, and left. As I closed the screen-door behind me, I knew what I had to do.

The walk to Kel's house was never far, and I knew it by heart. Mari's house was right next to it, so I probably spent more time on this route than anywhere else.


I swallowed the burning sensation and pushed it all the way to my toes. Her name still brings back that terrible feeling that I know all too well.

Before I knew it I was on his doorstep. The welcome mat beneath me contradicted how I think Kel is going to react to my being here. Even so, I summoned the courage to spam the doorbell a few times.

"Mikhael, my son is not going to- oh, hello Aubrey dear. I haven't seen you in a while."

Kel's mom was at the door, the surprised expression on her face immediately masked with her usual welcoming smile. I guess it has been a few years. My bright pink hair doesn't help the situation.

"Uh, is Kel here?" I looked past her into the house, searching for his face, but nothing. Hector eagerly bounded up the door, attempting to push past Kel's mom.

"Oh, Hector, calm down- no, dear, Kel left to practice basketball with some friends." Her expression turned disapproving. "He's always up early working on . . . basketball."

"Ok. . . . thank you." I gave her a friendly nod and made the awkward walk back down the driveway, narrowly avoiding the basketball hoop. I averted my gaze from the right, where I would see- her house, and his house, and everything would remind me of that day, like it did every time I even caught a glimpse of the place.

I really am back where I started from- angry and resentful and hurtful.

It's almost like nothing changed at all.

The walk to the park took no time at all. I wish it had, because I haven't thought of what to say yet. I'm not coming to apologize. No- I'm . . . . right. Basil and Sunny are the ones in the wrong. They don't deserve to be happy at all.

I wish I could take back what I said to Sunny on the swings. God, it's only been a day or two but so much has changed. I told him that I cared about him. I told him to spend some time outside again. I told him to have patience and let himself feel . . . . everything. Stupid. I should have shut up and just be angry at him. The one time I think I'm safe, I get hurt. Like I always have.

I sat on the piano stool next to her as she played the duet she and Sunny were going to play. Hero, Sunny, Basil, and Kel were cooking up some cookies (for Mari). I've heard this waltz, like a million times. It's all Mari's able to talk about- the recital coming up! She's nervous, and she wants it to be perfect, as always. I could never spend so much time on something like that. I'd get bored, and give up, like always. Not Mari, though!

As she's finishing up the song, brow furrowed, her long fingers moving fluidly over the keys. I love watching her play the piano, she looks so relaxed, yet so tense, so serene, yet so angry. The perfect balance.

I see her hand slip as she finishes up the song, and we both wince at the awkward tone that comes out.

Her joints become sharp and rigid, and she bangs her fists down on the keys, creating a terrible, whaling sound out of the piano, like we just lost in a video game.

"Ugh!" Mari sighed. "I was so close."

Mari never curses. Even when Kel spilled juice on the carpet and got her in a bunch of trouble, she only sighed. I've heard her curse once, like a real curse word. Actually, a string of words, all in a row. Maybe I shouldn't joke about it. My stomach always feels prickly when I think about what happened to Sunny- what could have happened.

"Don't worry Mari!" I said happily. "I think you sound awesome, and you're like a gazillion times better than me."

She looked at me and smiled. I knew that she was still angry at herself, but I smiled back.


Kel burst through the door, a ball of energy like usual, his mouth suspiciously stained with a cookie-dough-resembling-substance. He stopped in front of Mari and bowed, as Hero came through the door behind , his oven mitts and apron (the one Mari got him for Christmas, that was bright pink) stained with flour, and sugar, and eggs, and whatever mess Kel made. He was holding a baking sheet with his signature cookies, well, Mari's signature cookies. Everything about the two of them was so intertwined it's almost getting hard to tell them apart. Basil and Sunny came in from behind, also with cookie dough stains around their mouths.

Mari rose from her seat at the piano to usher them away. "Not near the piano!" She laughed, "Thank you, Hero."

Kel scowled.

"And Kel. and Sunny and Basil. Did you help by eating all of the cookie dough for me?"

"Ummmmmm." Basil laughed mischievously

"Whaaaat are you talking about." Kel giggled, covering his mouth.

I got up and followed my friends to the kitchen table, where Kel began shoveling down as many cookies as he could. I'm surprised he got runner up at that hotdog eating contest- his stomach is an endless pit! Except it better not be because I want some cookies too!

"KEL STOP YOU'RE EATING ALL OF THE COOKIES." Sunny and Basil and I had to use all of our strength to haul him away from the remnants.

"So Hero," Mari said, putting both her arms around his neck and pulling him close, "Was it your idea to make me these delicious cookies?"

"I-I-I-I guess." Hero stammered, his face a tomato.

She pulled away. "I'm just teasing. You have no business getting that embarrassed from a dear friend."

"Uh-huh" He said quietly, the blush not quite gone from his cheeks.

"Now let's all get cookies before Kel eats them all!" She declared.

We all sat down and feasted on Hero's cookies, which were delicious- crispy but chewy on the inside- just as they always were. And I was happy.

I was really happy.

I could forget about my shitty day, and my shitty mom, and my shitty house, and my family.

Sunny and Basil and Kel and Hero felt like brothers, if I had them. Mari was like a sister. They were my real family.

I wish I was her sister.

She died the next day.

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