Part 35

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Mingyu look at the boys......

Mingyu: You guys have any reason?Or We should start with your punishment?

They all didn't say anything.....

Mingyu:Come with me.....

Trio follow Mingyu to the ground.....Felix was also there....He was with Jk's batch .....He was scolding one of the trainee.....

Felix:Is this how you perform? Pathetic.....
Boy:Sorry sir......
Felix:Sorry?Next time If you say sorry to me then you will not be able to walk for a week..... Understood?...
Boy:Yes sir.....
Felix:Go join the line.....
Felix:Y-es sir......

Mingyu gave Jk's and Jaehyun phone to Felix.....

Mingyu:Broke them.....

Jk and Jaehyun look Mingyu with widen eyes .....

Jk:Sir please forgive us this time.....
Jaehyun:Yes sir...We will not do it again ....
Mingyu:Felix....Do what I said to you.....
Felix:Yes sir....

After sometimes Felix come back with broken phones .....

Mingyu:Throw them...

Felix threw it.....

Mingyu look at the boys who were confused......

Mingyu:Why you all are confused?Oo yeah...Why I broke there phone ....They were using phones That's why....And If Next time  I saw anyone using mobile in center....I will not only break his phone but also break his bones ..... Understood?
Everyone:Yes sir.....
Mingyu:And Jungkook and Jaehyun look you I forgive you three this time....But don't think I will forgive you all time.... Next time If I heard any complain about your group then I will hang you all upside down....Mind that....
Trio:Yes sir......
Mingyu:Hmm..Now go Join the line and Felix after this Come to my office....
Felix:Ok sir.....

Mingyu left....

Trio join the line again.....

Jaehyun:What the actual hell?Lee hyung will kill me if I tell him this.....
Jk:You just think about me .. This was my second phone in this week.....
Felix: Jungkook and Jaehyun....If your talks are more important than you can leave ....

Both look down.....

Felix:You two come forward......

Now both are standing in front of felix ....

Felix: Don't you both think...As the days are passing you both are getting out of everyone hands ....Hmm?

Both didn't say anything...Just look down.....

Felix:LOOK UP.....

They both look up and gulped when they see felix is fuming in anger.....

Felix: I'm a fool.... I'm talking to you and you both are just looking down and ignoring my question...Huh?
Both: Apologize sir ....
Felix:I don't need your Apologize...Next time when I talk to you look into my eyes Understand?
Both:Yes sir....
Felix: Better....Go join the line.....

Jk and Jaehyun join the line......
Felix was angry that's why he make boys do many excerises....He was scolding them very much.......After that they went to home......

At home......

In Songwon's room.....

Y/n: Songwon oppa....
Songwon:Yes .....
Y/n: Let's go...
Y/n:I told you ....
Songwon:Yeah ..You told me but you didn't said that party is tomorrow.....
Y/n:She also told me this today......
Songwon:Ok let's go .....

In living room....

Y/n:Oppa I'm going...
Y/n:Oppa I told you....
Jin:Oo yeah...Go...Wait I will ask jk to drop you....
Y/n:No need .. Songwon oppa is gonna drop me.....
Songwon: Let's go Y/n ....
Jin: Songwon....
Songwon:Yes hyung.....
Jin:Stay with her....
Songwon:But hyung...She will be with her friends what will I do there ....
Jin:Then I will send jk there ....
Y/n: No need.... Songwon oppa...We will have fun together.....
Songwon:Ok.....You all are going somewhere?
Jin:Yeah ...Mission.....
Songwon: Best of luck all of you .....

At club......

Songwon:Y/n go enjoy...But remember what I said to you....
Y/n:That I will not drink....
Songwon:Good .....Now go......

After sometimes....They heard sounds of gun .....

When Songwon look at the person...His eyes widened... Songwon search for Y/n

Songwon:Y/n let's go from here...This place is not safe.....
Y/n:Oppa.... I'm sacred...
Songwon: Nothing will happen when I'm with you....

Songwon search for his gun...but then remember that his gun is in car.....

Songwon:Y/n Just stay with me.....

Songwon and Y/n came outside the club safely..... Songwon feel something on his head.....He turn around and see that One person has put gun on Y/n and one person has put gun on Songwon .....

Y/n: Oppa (crying).....
Songwon:Y/n don't cry....
Guy1:Shut up both of you.....
Guy2: Let's take them both with us....

They start dragging Y/n and Songwon

Y/n:Leave me ...You don't know my brothers.....
Guy1:We know your brothers that's why we are taking you with us ....(Laughing).....
Songwon:You Son of bi***.....Leave her......

Guy 1 slap Songwon....

Guy1:If you wanna live....Just shut your mouth.....

Two person from behind put gun on both guys head.....

???:Put your guns down ....

Both the guys put there guns down.....

As the guys put there guns down.....They shoot the guys ......

Y/n and Songwon look at the person....Y/n immediately hug the person while songwon just look down.... 

Y/n :Oppa........ (crying)
Suga:Stop crying...As long as I'm with you nothing will happen to you .....
Mingyu: Let's go home now ......

He said while glaring at songwon....

Mingyu:You come in your car...Y/n will come with us.....

At home......

Jin: What you guys were doing there?You both were at Y/n's friend home....
Jin:What oppa?Just give me my answer....
Y/n:Party was at club......
Jin: Songwon?
Songwon:Yes hyung....
Y/n:You knew about this?

Songwon nodded .....

Jin:Very good......
Mingyu:Where was your gun?
Songwon:In car.....
Mingyu:You do one thing..... Keep your gun in museum.... Because I think you don't need your gun.....

Songwon look down.....

Mingyu: Give me your gun?
Songwon: Hyung please....
Mingyu:I said Give it to me...

Songwon gave his gun to Mingyu.....

Mingyu:I will give you this gun back...When you will know how to use it.....
Jin:Y/n you know it's so unsafe...What if something happens to you.....
Jhope:You know...You know na that your security is important.....
Jimin: Still you did what lead you in problems.....
V: I'm very disappointed....
Y/n:But oppa....
Suga:But what huh?
Rm:What if suga and Mingyu hyung didn't come at time......
Y/n:You said that because I am not trained as mafia.....

They all remain quite....

Y/n:Ok....I also wanna take mafia training.....

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