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pinkie03pie <- which is the story that this is a sequel to! (Yes I have permission to write this, I asked before writing) (also they make amazing stories go check them out after this)

Also this first chapter will be a like the Snezhniya  chapter (just more detailed? I guess) so skip if you already know what happens! (Until the ✨✨✨)

⚠️❗️Warnings: Ships,angst, an au! ❗️⚠️

~ Found at last~

Hello, my name is Katrina. I am 16 years old and I am originally from Liyue and currently on a journey through Snezhniya. Where my parents are presumably held hostage.
I am travelling with 5 others and to be honest, they are the closest things I've had to friends in a long time.

There is Laura, I knew her when I was younger but we lost touch after our parents disappeared. She lives in a Mondstadt as her father is the archon there.
Oh yeah, I don't think I mentioned, my father is the Geo Archon well, retired Geo Archon and Laura's is the Daughter of the Anemo Yakasha and the Anemo Archon.

Then there is Terai, the oldest out of the four 14 year olds. She is a fennec fox that lives in Sumeru, her jokes are exhausting to listen to but she's fine in other ways. Acts a lot line Laura though, emo.

There is also Yuko, she is an oni/ shiba inu who lived in Inazuma with Kaiyo. Yuko is quite oblivious so some things, apparently just like her father. Though she is a bit "stupid" she means well.

Kaiyo, she lived in Inazuma in the same hut(?) as Yuko and she's gets angry over everything so, don't get on her bad side.  So Yuko and Kaiyo, one stupid, one gets angry, who would've thought that they get along.

Then theres Mei, I found her whilst walking around Liyue. She is the youngest out of us all but seems to be the most well- read out of us. She likes to read a lot, her whole house was filled with books but they were all her late father's.

I have a feeling all our parents knew each other at some point but I don't know why. Its just this gut feeling. Well now that you know all my comrades, I should focus on walking.

I was so close, I know they're here in this snowy wilderness. This journey, it was a rollercoaster that was for sure. But I wouldn't have it any other way. The white fluff falling on the ground, filling my ginger locks and covering my belongings. It was definitely a wierd feeling, but this was were my father grew up, with his little sister, father, mother.
My fathers...
What was I going to say? How'd they react? I might of had my toddler years with them but apart from that I hardly know the guys...

Through my thoughts, I hear a high pitched whine, "It is freezing!" Goodness it was Terai, her white ears were flopped against her head presumably to try and regulate heat. She was visibly shivering which I sympathise with due to the fact she wasn't made for these climates, considering her species. The fox girl's white hair was in a low ponytail and her eyes were clamped shut, 'she really doesn't like the cold...'

"You are a desert fennec fox, are you not? You are not made for these climates." Our blue haired guide stated, Mei, still looking at her map. Her longish blue hair was in a low braid and she was obviously dressed appropriately and DIDN'T TELL ANYONE ELSE TO! Goodness I feel like I have known these people for years but why...

As if on cue, Yuko's ears perk up and she quickly gives the hybrid her jacket. It was a sight to see as it looked massive on the slimmer fox.

The fennec fox forces a smile at her, "Thanks Yuko, but won't you get cold?" Terai states, clearly worried about the oni's health. I couldn't blame her I was slightly worried but not as much as Terai due to her expression showed signs of severe worry and discomfort.

The oni then laughs boisterously, "Nah, don't worry! Us hot blooded Onis don't get cold!" I couldn't help but chuckle, her words came out as a war cry but without the signature meaning to harm.
Mei and Terai's face contorts to one of confusion, Mei more of a 'that wasn't what I read' look, whilst Terai had a more 'I'm not so sure that's true' look. It was amusing to watch.

Now that everyone is more well dressed, we continued to trench through the winter wonderland. Yuko seems to be trying not to visibly shiver, probably due to the principle of  the 'speech' she gave earlier. What a silly comrade. 

~Time skip brought to you by my lack of motivation~

There they are.... My parents...
I don't know what to say...
What do I do...?
And as if it was a signal my body moved on its own, running to hug them. I couldn't control my movements, the run was soon stopped by a warm embrace. It felt comforting knowing they hadn't forgotten about me. I missed them so much and my journey has finally come to an end, the whole reason I traveled through Teyvat was to find them and its over. All my thoughts of worry flooded away, I had forgotten my worries and is just embracing the ones who were taken from me so long ago. I missed them so much.
Removing myself from the comforting warmth I see all my friends reuniting with there families, Laura with her fathers; Terai with her parents and sister; Yuko and Kaiyo with there parents (the six of them in a massive hug, Scaramouche acting like he doesn't care) and Mei with her parents and Aunt. It was so moving to see.
There were tears, chatter and laughs. It really was a reunion to remember, one that was long overdue.


After a while, everyone started to talk to one another about their journeys and life so far. I stood away from the crowds with Kaiyo by my side, she has something on her mind. 'Do I ask her?' I feel as if she wants to say something but can't find the right words... "Katrina...I don't know what to do..." was all I heard, her subtle voice quivering slightly as if it was a thought that was said aloud...
I soon replied, "Do what?" My head turning to face the purple haired girl, she was facing the floor tears rolling down her cheeks. I immediately went to comfort her, she started crying into my shoulder muffled words were heard through sobs.
"I- I don't know what to say.... I hardly know them... what if they hate me... what do I do.... I've lived eleven years without them...." Was all I could make out through her sobs, it was heartbreaking. I knew she had trust issues all from the way in Inazuma, from the way she interrogated us when we arrived and how she was nervous to agree to this journey. I am glad she now trusts me but I can't help but feel sympathetic. We are all going through this... even though we found them, how do we even communicate with them? Do we act like we've known each other for years? Will they like my personality? It seems as if the crying girl noticed my tension and squeezed me tighter and buried her head into my chest, in return I held a strong grip on her and rested my head on top of hers. A universal signal that you can cry, she soon bursted into tears but it was muffled from the fabric in her face. Tears soon started to run down my face, I couldn't help but wonder if this was really worth it... I had the best out of the rest of us as I was able to spend 2 extra years with my parents whilst Kaiyo, Yuko, Mei and Terai were only able to have 3 years with them... though Terai did have her sister but it really isn't the same.

I am happy I was able to be reunited, but is a blood connection really the same as knowing your parents?

I hope we can find the connection...
But I'm glad they are 'found at last'....

Word count: 1404

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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