- Chapter 4 -

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Chapter 4 - Strangers


I took a sharp intake of breath when he looked at me. This is Devin Mors, not Death, get over yourself, Olivia. I looked beside him and saw a man, from the looks of it he's at least 7 years older than him. He's tall and blonde wearing a suit. He's not bad in the eyes.

"Can we help you with anything?" The man asked me with his eyebrow quirked up. I returned my gaze to Devin, waiting for him to speak up. "A girl like you shouldn't be out at this time of the night." His voice was gruff, very masculine. He looks exactly like Death. I blinked before smiling at him. "I was just..." I trailed off, suddenly lost for words. "Um, I was just taking a walk... for fresh air." I said to them. Devin looked amused. "In heels?" He asked making the man beside him chuckle. He's Death's doppelgänger. "Yeah, I just got back from a party so..." I trailed off while trying to contain the blush that's quickly spreading through my face.

"It's fine, really." Devin replied as he waved his hand in a dismissing manner. "I'll see you next week, Lu?" He asked the man who in return raised his eyebrow in disbelief. "Devin..." He trailed off. There was some sort of conversation going between them through their eyes. In the end, the man called 'Lu' sighed before clapping Devin's back. "Same time, next week." He said before turning around to leave which means that Devin and I are alone, now.

He looked at me before smiling and walking closer. He lent his hand out and then said to me: "I'm Devin." Why does he have to be his doppelgänger? I let out a shaky breath. "Olivia... Olivia Johnson." I said as I took his hand. "Can I walk you home... Olivia?" I didn't dare to answer because I know my voice will crack so in substitute to saying yes, I just nodded my head.

We walked side-by-side, embracing the comfortable silence that surrounds us as cold wind blew pass us. I could feel his presence, he couldn't be Death because if he is, then I won't hear a beating heart, I won't sense the presence of life, and I won't be able to feel the warmth of his eyes as he gazes at me. It's heartbreaking.

"Have you ever felt so alone?" I suddenly asked making him arch his eyebrows up. "I think that all of us did feel like that for moment." He answered. "But did you?" I asked as I looked at him. We were still walking and it took him about a minute to reply. "Yes." He answered. I waited for an explanation but nothing came, I assumed he didn't want to talk about because it's probably a bad memory.

"There was this guy..." I trailed off "I met him a few years ago." I said as I looked down at my entwined fingers. "We fell in love, madly in love. He was my first love and I was his. We were different but very compatible." He cleared his throat. "I can sense a but in this story." He muttered making me laugh. Of course, there is. "But silly little old me decided that we're bad for each other so I ran... but this guy, he doesn't give up so easily." I told him before glancing his way and smiling. "He followed me for years until one day, I told him to stop. I said he needed to let go. Surprisingly, he did." I finished "Yet you felt you alone." He stated.

It was the obvious. I smiled but it wasn't a happy smile, it was sad. "I asked him to let me go but the moment he did, I regretted it. And I felt so alone." I whispered. "I think that the reason why he gave you what you wanted is because he thought you'd be happy." He said "It is what you wanted, after all..." He trailed off.

We stopped in front of my apartment building making me sigh and turn to look at him. "This is me." I said with a smile. "Okay, then." He answered "I'll leave now. I just had to make sure you got home safely." He said as he smiled at me before turning to leave. "Devin, wait!" I called out. He turned and raised his eyebrows at me. I power-walked towards him before stopping in front of him.

My hand reached out to gently caress his left cheek. "Olivia, what are you doing?" He asked, sounding worried as he did. Worried? Is he worried that maybe I'm crazy? "If only you were him..." I whispered before turning around to leave.


"If only you were him..."

Her words struck me. She wanted me to leave her alone, now, she wants to find me? She can be a bit of a bitch, sometimes. She did regret it, though. I snapped out of my thoughts then walked towards my apartment building and heading for the rooftop.

It's almost sunrise, maybe an hour more. You can see the warmth rays of sun as it took over the dark sky. It exploded the colors: yellow and orange. Sunrises and Sunsets, they're the definition of Life and I. Sunrise is the time where light embraces the dark, giving it the warmth and hope it needs and then when Sunset comes, darkness overcomes the beauty of light, returns to being the way he used to be, hopeless and irredeemable.

I watched as the sun rose in the sky, signaling that it's tim for me to head back to the apartment and give Devin his body so I did. I changed back to his sleeping attire which only consists of sweatpants and nothing more before laying in bed and giving up the control that I have over him. And just like before, he won't remember a single thing when he wakes up.


I've had this draft for a while and I like it very much so I decided to just let it be instead of changing it. Hahahaha!

Thanks so much for waiting! And I'm sorry for not updating so soon.

- J

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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