Chapter 33

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The apartment was empty. Keira was nowhere in sight, and it looked as if there had been a struggle. So off in the direction of the warehouse they went. Callen send Kensi and Deeks with a camera to see if there was any way he could get a visual from the outside. If not, they needed to break in without knowing anything, and Callen rather not do that. He could go in guns blazing, but for all he knew, the guy had his own small army and they wouldn't come out alive.

Deeks ducked by a window. "He has a tiny army with him. Counting at least four armed men, far as I can see."

"Any sign of Keira?"

He changed the position of the camera a few times, only to come up empty. "Negative."

Callen barked orders at his team, gearing up. "Go and see if you can find Keira and other girls. Try not to make it an entire bloodbath. I'd rather have him alive than dead." He wasn't going to wait for backup from the FBI or LAPD. It needed to be over.

Drawing his gun, he and his partner took the front entrance. There were more men in the building than Deeks had seen. But stealthily taking them out one by one, they moved in the direction of Bogdanov.

"Federal agents! Drop your weapons!"

He didn't seem particularly surprised. "Так что вы нашли меня." So you have found me.

"Tell them to drop their weapons, Bogdanov! You're surrounded."

"I'm surprised it took you this long to find me.'' He turned around and let his eyes survey the room. ''I do hope you're hurting. You deserve that.''

''Yeah?'' Callen prepped his gun. ''You want to make me hurt? I've already lost my parents and my sister. I felt what you're feeling long before you did.''

Bogdanov's eyes narrowed. ''That was why she was the only one that I could get. I heard she didn't make it.''

Callen's eyes flickered to Sam, a frown on his face. Then it hit him. Keira had told him that Deja hadn't made it. That he'd been succesfull in killing her. Judging by Sam's expression, he'd figured the same thing. ''She didn't. And with her, my will to live or to be careful went out the window, too. You better surrender now, Bogdanov, because the only other way you're going out of here, is in a bodybag.''

"And here I am, protected by all these men. You really think you're going to get close?"

In answer, a bodyguard close to him dropped. Sam indicated that they could move a bit closer. Bogdanov wasn't impressed. He shrugged. "Ah." He raised his hands. "You can kill all of them, agent Callen. I only have to activate a timer, tell you where to find the girls, and while you're busy saving them before all of this goes boom, I can walk out of here a free man."

Just then, Callen heard Kensi in his ear. "Callen? We've found Keira and the other girls. I'm sending Deeks in your direction now." He nodded at Sam, and inched closer still.

"I really hate to burst your bubble, but we have already found the girls. It's just you and me, now."

That did throw Bogdanov for a loop. He hesitated for a moment. "So you want to fight this out?"

"What I really want is to put a bullet in your head. But I'll settle for bringing you in and locking you up."

"I'm standing behind them," Callen heard Deeks say. "Shot is clear."

Bogdanov mentioned to his bodyguards. "Find him. Kill him." Then he turned around, a scornful smile on his lips. "You see, I have more men here. They'll find you. And when they find you, I'm going to make you hurt even more."

"Deeks, take a shot at the bodyguards if you have it." Sam took a breath. "Do you want to wait for it?"

"Not really." Callen rose, aimed and shot. Between the three agents, the bodyguards were down before Bogdanov could blink twice.

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