Not Done

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"This is crazy, she hasn't shown up for work in two days, she hasn't answered any of my calls or texts, her house is empty, and her coworkers say they haven't heard from her. Im telling you that something isn't right here." Wanda says furiously while pacing.

"Wanda, maybe she went on vacation. You need to stop worrying." Tony retorts.

"Stop worrying? Do you need me to list the reasons that is the worst advice to give... we've been together for 3 months so she would tell me if she was going on a 'vacation', she is never late, she hates last minute trips, she finds it awkward to leave someone's messages left on read let alone not returning a call for days on end. For god sake Tony, she's dating an Avenger."

This seems to make Tony realize the probability of something actually being wrong. "Alright, ill have Jarvis look into it. Just stop pacing around my lab."

"Thank you." Wanda simply says while putting all her weight on one side and crossing her arms impatiently.

"huh" Tony says reading Jarvis analysis.

"huh? Huh what?"

"According to Jarvis, Y/Ns phone is at her house. But her fitness tracker you said she wears is pinging six different locations." This sparks worry in the young avenger. "Don't worry Wanda, I'm sure it's a glitch. Ill figure this out, you go grab a bite to eat."

"I'm not hungry"

"Well, I am." The pair jump at Natasha's sudden appearance. "Come on Wanda, let's go grab some lunch." Nat says waiting for Wanda's compliance.

Wanda finally agrees and walks to the kitchen, expecting Nat to follow. Before Natasha follows Wanda, she gives tony a knowing and worried look.


It's been two days since tony started tracing Y/Ns last known location. Wanda was a mess, and the team was doing what they could to find Y/N, but they had no luck. That is until they got a security alert.

"Sir, it seems there is a person lying on the ground within the perimeter."

"Pull up the security cameras."

Everyone stops in their tracks when they hear Wanda let out a gasp, "Y/N" she says before running as fast as she could to the gate. Her legs couldn't carry her fast enough as it felt like it took forever to travel the few hundred feet to get to Y/Ns unmoving form.

"Y/N!" Wanda says as she lifts your head into her lap. "it's okay Y/N, it's me. You're okay baby." Wanda says as Y/N starts squirming.

Covered in dried blood and half formed bruises, Y/N looks up to her girlfriend, "he has a message for you" Y/N struggles to say. Wanda doesn't say anything as Y/N continues to struggle to talk. "he's not done with you."

"What? Who?" Wanda asks but Y/N struggles to respond. "Who did this to you baby?" Wanda asks with tears running down her cheek.

"Strucker" Y/N says before she closes her eyes and falls unconscious.

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