Chapter 1- Negan and Raven Meeting

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(Trigger Warning: Rape and abuse)

She was born into a family that didn't care about her at all. She doesn't know why they even had a kid if they were just going to abuse her and treat her like trash, and most don't act like she's even here. She had a terrible childhood being abused, and getting told that she didn't matter or was worthless she went through school being bullied, and when she had boyfriends they would cheat on her, abuse her, and rape her, once she got to her senior year of high school she dropped out she couldn't handle being bullied and not having any friends. So she spent most of her days learning martial arts, using a crossbow and knives, she needed to learn how to defend herself against anybody especially from her parents, when she got a job at a tattoo parlor she learned to draw and give herself tattoos.

She lived out on the streets at the age of 18 years she didn't have a place to stay so living on the streets was the only option unless she had a boyfriend at the time she lived with them but anytime she started getting abused by them and being cheated on she left and went back to living on the streets. She kept working at the tattoo parlor and saved up her money to try and find a place of her own but then one day a man named Negan brought her into his home and let her stay with him and his wife Lucille.

She stayed with Negan and Lucille for a few months, getting to know them and becoming very close. She was grateful that they let her into their home. Negan would cook them dinner, and they would drink even though she was not 21 years old yet, but she needed a drink after all the hell she had been through. She sang songs alone and didn't realize they had heard her sing. Negan also slowed dance with her to comfort her when she woke up from her nightmares he even got her a necklace to have something of him when he wasn't around, they got a tattoo together, and he gave her her motorcycle as well; Once Lucille found out her illness she didn't want to get in the way or be a burden she decided to leave.

A few weeks later, the beginning of the apocalypse

When she was out on the streets trying to get back home realizing walkers were walking around, she decided to ride back home, once she got home her parents were so high and drunk not realizing the apocalypse was here. She got so angry knowing how they are and how they treated her over the years she couldn't take it anymore so she brought out her knife, and she stabbed them both so much in the chest she didn't want to be a murderer she didn't want to do it but they put her through a living hell so she had to kill them. After stabbing them, however, many times they stopped breathing, and they started to reanimate as walkers. She decided to grab her father's old baseball bat and bashed their heads in until they were unrecognizable She dropped the bloody bat after killing her parents, grabbing her things and whatever supplies were in her house she put them in her bag and she walked out of her house and never looked back not regretting what she did.

She can't trust anybody because she is alone in the apocalypse. Once she got on the road on her motorcycle, she had to stop at a weapon store to grab arrows once she grabbed the arrows. Once she got what she needed, a couple of men walked in. She hid behind a counter, hoping they wouldn't see her. She tried sneaking past them outside, but a walker saw her, and they heard the commotion outside. She stabbed the walker. They came outside and grabbed her by my arms as she struggled to get her jacket yanked off her body. Once they saw her body, they started being rough and touching her. She has been through this situation before.

"She has an awesome body man, let's have fun with her, then kill her and take her stuff." one of the men said, and the other man agreed. Since she knew martial arts, she waited for the perfect moment to make a move. She punched them in the throat, backed away from them, and had her knives out, they started charging at her. She ducked and stabbed them both in the dick. After that, they were moaning and groaning in pain. She grabs her crossbow and shoots them both in the head with an arrow. She stares at their bodies realizing she has killed four people but she has to protect herself, she grabs her jacket from the ground puts it back on walks away from the scene gets on her motorcycle not looking back.

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