Chapter 13- New Friend

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Meanwhile, Daryl was sitting in the cell, his back pressed up against the smooth, concrete wall. He stared out at the empty darkness in front of him, unblinking. He hated being locked away, but he couldn't do anything about it. Not yet at least. He had tried to escape multiple times, but each was met with getting caught and beaten before getting dragged right back into the cell. His attention was abruptly drawn away as something slid underneath the door. A piece of paper. He took the paper into his hand, opening it with a mix of curiosity and caution. A key and a match slid off of the paper and onto the floor beside him. Written in large, fancy writing were the words 'GO NOW.' Daryl looked up from the note, watching as someone's shadow moved away from the door. Without a moment of hesitation, Daryl items into his hand, inserting the key into the door. A wave of relief washed over him when he heard the door's lock click as it unlocked. He was going to get out of here.

Raven just sat there and looked down at her tattoos not saying a word she didn't want to deal with being tortured again knowing that she knew what would torture her the most especially if it had to do with Negan. She just touched her tattoos very gently she glanced occasions over at Rosita and then looked up at the window she had no idea what Negan was doing at that moment but she hoped that she would be saved if not then she just going to die down here losing her mind and feeling guilt that she went out in those woods getting herself caught. She hopes Daryl is okay knowing she told him he can escape being a prisoner. It's just having a war happen because what happened between them is inevitable.

Meanwhile, Negan and his men continued to follow behind Dwight, unaware of their escaping prisoner. Simon, who was walking a few yards behind Negan released a sigh, before briskly making his way over to Negan's side. He took a glance over to his Leader's face, before looking forward again, "Boss. Is it worth having all our boys out here for just one girl? I mean, I get if she was your wife or something but-" He began, but fell silent as Negan flipped around to face him. Instantly, he was met by a glare that made a few of the men nearby shiver, even though it wasn't aimed toward them. Simon's bravado seemed to falter as he met eyes with his leader, his cunning grin fading away.

"I won't have you questioning my decisions, Simon. Last time I checked, I'm the one who calls the damn shots here. So I don't want to hear a single shit opinion slip out of your mouth unless I ask for it. Do I make myself clear?" He snarled, his leather glove creaking as his grip upon Lucille tightened. Now everyone had stopped moving and put their attention upon the two, intrigued by the tension. All was silent for a moment, the only thing audible being birds singing in the distance. Eventually, Simon gave a nod, still looking Negan in the eyes. "Understood, Boss."

"Good," Negan grumbled. A couple of seconds later, he finally turned away, moving to keep following Dwight. As Negan moved, suddenly the group began to stir once more, acting as if nothing had just happened.

A few hours later, they were standing right outside of Alexandria. Negan's eyes gazed upon the gate with so much hatred that you'd think it were the gates of hell. He had a sinking feeling that they'd take her here but he hadn't thought they would have been so stupid as to do so. He couldn't be more wrong. "Rick! You and I need to have a little chat!" He called out, his gravelly voice full of anger. The only problem was, Rick wasn't there. Rick had already left hours ago in search of the fabled military base. Rosita's head lifted towards the window as she heard Negan's voice before she looked back at Raven. A look of horror upon her face. If Negan found her, then this war would be over before it ever began. Because, the moment that she was out of harm's way then he'd hit Rick's group with everything he had. After a brief moment of shock, her fear was replaced by rage as she jerked a gun from her belt, aiming it at Raven. It was a gun she had found on a supply run and had kept hidden from everyone. The only problem was that there was only one bullet in the chamber. One that Eugene had made from a spent casing. She wanted to save that bullet for Negan, but if Raven made a peep, she wouldn't hesitate to fire it into her instead.

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