Chapter 4- Reliving the Past

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He entered the room after her, before closing the door behind him. When he turned around, he raised a brow when he saw her take off her jacket. It took him a moment before his eyes trailed to the tattoo on her arm. Recognition flashed in his eyes, before he removed Lucille from his shoulder, propping her up beside the couch. He hardly ever set her down, but he didn't feel like he needed to be threatening. At least, not to Raven. "Well, I'll be damned. It is you." His smile cracked into a genuine one, relieved to see his old friend alive. All of his doubts and worries about her immediately subsided, and a heavy weight lifted off of his chest. "I was starting to think I'd never see you again."

Raven turns around and smiles, and tears are in her eyes a bit "Yeah it's me, Negan... I thought I would never you again either for the longest time thought you were dead but I tried every day to find you. I'm glad you're alive and doing well, actually... leading a group. I'm sorry I didn't reveal myself to you outside. I just wanted us to reunite in private and talk in private... I also wanted to umm... say I'm sorry for leaving without saying a word. I felt guilty for leaving, and I still do... all this time, I thought you would be angry or hate me." She says softly, looking down a little, holding her arms crossed over her chest.

Negan noticed her tears, empathy flashing in his eyes for a moment. He wanted to offer her a hug for comfort, but he wasn't sure. Not only because of his image but also because of all the time that had passed between them. Of course, if she were the one to make the move, then he wouldn't push her away. When she expressed her worry about Negan's death, he couldn't help but grin. "I'm not dying until I am damn good and ready, I can promise you that, and it's fine. Honestly, speaking like this is better than if we were to speak publicly. We'd be interrupted constantly." As she spoke of her worry that he'd hate her, his smile faded a little. "Raven, I don't hate you at all. With everything that was happening, I don't blame you for going your own way. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't have waited around for the shit show either." He walked over, gently placing his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to show some form of comfort. "I don't care about what happened back there. I'm just glad that you were able to pioneer through this messed up world." A smile began to tug on the corners of his lips once more, as he gave a soft chuckle, "Of course, I don't know what I was expecting. You've been the strongest fighter I've ever met to this day."

Raven smiles softly with tears running down her cheek she embraces him tightly suddenly. Negan and Lucille were the only people who cared bout her and were there for her when she needed someone but she wasn't there for him or Lucille as soon as Lucille found out bout her cancer she also on the same day before Negan got home later that night if she was having affair with Negan that she knew he was having but it wasn't with her. She told Lucille no she wasn't having an affair and even before Negan got home she took off before she knew it the apocalypse also started. "No Negan it's not okay I should've been there for you and Lucille you were always there for me and I left when you needed someone other than your dying wife." She says

Negan's eyes widened a little from the sudden embrace before he relaxed soon after. He wrapped his arms around her, gently rubbing her back as she cried in an attempt to console her. He had missed her from the moment she left. At first, he felt a little betrayed, but as time went on, that feeling of betrayal wavered. Instead, replaced by a longing to see his old friend again. He had thought of her every single day, but after the loss of Lucille, he began to fear that he had lost Raven as well. At the mention of Lucille's death, a sorrowful look briefly crossed his face. Even though all this time had passed, he still grieved her loss. He tried to convince himself that he had moved on and become stronger from the pain, but the naming of his baseball bat proved otherwise. "Raven, listen to me, it's fine. Besides, I deserved it. I was an asshole to her, and I deserved to deal with it on my own."

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