Chapter 4

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Y/n watched the battle with nervous breath because if V and J won, it would be bad news for them. Y/n could only pray quietly for Uzi and the male murder drone to win.

3rd POV

Uzi throws a pen at J which hits one of her eyes on her head (turns out on their heads where the lights are, is supposed to be their eyes? Idk). J screams in pain as yellow liquid pours out a bit while she stepped back. Uzi began to run while N looks to V as he puts a thumbs up only for V to giggle as she got her blades out.

V then begins to run towards N who had widen eyes. Y/n sighs as Uzi runs and went to shoot J. However J began to shoot randomly as Uzi slightly dodged as J pulls the pen out of her head, "Damn the well-made quality assured durability of JC Jensen products." J looks up as Uzi does a flip and kicks the pen that is still in J's hand. Once Uzi does that, the pen was stabbed in J's visor as she screams. Uzi flips away as she lands which made her gun flip up into the air as she catches it.

But Uzi dropped it as she ducked due to V's blast. Meanwhile N winced as he smacks his back into a wall. He falls onto his butt as he ducks from V's blast. He looks behind V to see Y/n who's shoulder is still bleeding oil. He went to attack V, but he was still thinking about Uzi's friend. That's when his blaster only shots pink hearts while Y/n deadpan. N freaked out, "Ah! My mind's in a weird place. Don't read into this!"

V notices that he was looking at Y/n as she frowns as she shoots a rocket at the wall behind him. It explodes as N was slightly hurt. J takes out the pen as her vision is now glitching. She then cracks the pen into pieces as she looked up to see Uzi chuckling while waving.

J had an insane grin as she laughs while she raises her arm up which sends a blast of sorts which knocks out both Uzi and Y/n. Meanwhile V and N fought up in the air. V's blades are about to cut N as N blocks it. He looks down and notices Uzi and J, "Uzi!" He looks back to V, "I'm so so sorry, we're never talking about this." He licks V's blade as she pulled away from him disgusted, "Ew! What the hell?!" She paused as she looked up as N kicks her down.

Uzi woke up, however she was still froze. J walks over and pushes the railgun away as she chuckles. "You've got a lot of guts for a barely sentient toaster. I've had prey fight back before, but Y/n's sleepy and your Edgy spirit is just so painful." Uzi had enough of this as she stabbed J's needle tail into J's leg.

J screams in pain as she looked at her leg as she hops, "Ah, God. Fourth quarter profits. Mother of company leadership retreats." However she trips and falls onto her back as Uzi got back up with the rail gun. Uzi glares down at J holding the railgun at J, "One more buzzword and I'll do it." J looks away, "Yo-" Uzi shoots the Rail Gun which kills J.

Uzi sighed as she spits at J's half killed body. Uzi quickly goes over to Y/n as she frees Y/n from their chains. Y/n groans as they open their eyes, "Wh... What happened? Did you and the male murder drone win?" Uzi smiled, "Yes we did." Y/n sighed in relief as there vision came back, "Oh, that's good."

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