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"Rocky, what the fuck was that shit last night!? You can't just hang up in my fucking face! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Shani yelled as she and Dom walked up to Rocky, who was sitting on a park picnic table solving a Rubik's cube.

The girl snapped her head over to the yelling woman who was speed-walking towards her. "How about you lower your fucking tone. Loud as fuck for no reason, got the whole neighborhood in my damn business." She spat once the girls got closer. Shani scoffed at her words, putting her hands into her windbreaker coat. Dom senses the tension between them and raised her hands to intervene.

"How about both of you chill and tell me what the fuck is goin on?" She asked them calmly. Roxanne sighed, about to start talking when she was cut off by Shani again. "Yeah, tell us what the fuck is goin' on, Rocky."

Roxanne paused, glaring at the girl before continuing. "Last night I was at work when this suspicious man walked in. I didn't pay any kind to it at first but I knew him from somewhere. He looked familiar as hell. He got closer and started talking to me about my brothers, the 50 Boyz, my dad, and my uncles, saying that he knew them from back in the day. Shit was weird." She explained.

"Who the fuck was it?" Dom asked.

"That crazy nigga that just got out the nut house."

Shani and Dom's eyes widened at her words, both of them now taking a seat at the table at the news they were just told.

"Lamar?" Shani and Dom asked at the same time.

"Yes, Lamar. I only know the nigga from when he got locked up and it was on the news but he talked like he knew my people." Roxanne said as she shook her head, pissed off. Overnight, the fear that she once had turned into anger. She was pissed at Lamar for thinking he can step to her in any type of way. She was pissed at Michael and Ralph for getting involved with the 50 Boyz. And she was pissed at her father and uncle for whatever the fuck they did with Lamar back in the day.

"Did you tell your people? Meech or Terry?" Dom asked her worriedly, snapping the girl out of her thoughts. Roxanne quickly glanced up at her before going back to fidgeting with the toy in her hands. "Nah, I haven't gotten the chance." She said as she bounded her leg up and down. Her anger was building up the more she thought about it.

Dom and Shani glanced at one another, visibly seeing the other's attitude rise. "Maybe you should calm down before you talk to them, you know how you get." Dom tried.

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