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『 LOYALTY 』{ irl }

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{ irl }

"what happened between you two?" nick says what everyone's been thinking. chris and cora have been whisper-laughing with each other the entire time the group has been in line for the new horror movie.

"i don't know what you're talking about." chris says, obviously lying.

"before, you two never even looked at each other. and now you're giggling together like little kids who just heard someone say the word poop." nick says.

as soon as the work poop leaves nick's mouth, cora bursts out laughing. at the sight of her laughing, chris laughs with her as well. the two of them instantly go silent when they realize that they just proved nick's point even further.

mae glances at him, confused.

cora isn't a bipolar person. if she doesn't like someone, that won't change. same thing goes if she does like someone. she doesn't usually dislike them afterward ( alice being the exception ).

"anyway!" cora says, moving up in the line. "i'll buy mae some candy."

"what about me?" nick asks. "why won't you buy mae candy too?"

"matt's buying your candy."

matt joins the conversation for the first time. "excuse me?"

"let's go to the other line! it's moving faster." cora suggests, changing the topic before grabbing mae by the sleeve and dragging her over to the second line.

the triplets stand in the line beside theirs. nick and chris are happy that they don't have to buy their own candy while matt is getting out his wallet, cursing under his breath.

"you're acting strange." mae says to cora once they're two places away from the cashier.

"huh? what? strange how?"

"like that." mae replies, crossing her arms over her chest and giving cora a suspecting look. "you're trying to distract yourself from something. that's why you invited us all to come to the movies."

"whaaaat? noo!" cora declines, knowing that mae is right. "i just really like this movie."

"you hate horror movies."

"well you like them."


"and i just wanted to be a good friend and hang out doing something i know you enjoy." cora says, moving up in the line.

"okay." mae pauses for a second before asking, "well, what's with you and chris?"

cora stops in her tracks and turns to look at mae, head on like a deer in headlights. "what?"

"i agree with what nick said. you two have never shown interest in one another and now you're all buddy-buddy with him. it's weird."

"we just had a conversation." cora shrugs it off.

"one that instantly made you guys besties?"


before mae can say something else, the line moves and they're now at the counter. cora pulls out her wallet and looks at the snack options, already knowing what candy mae wants.

"do you want a drink too?" cora asks mae.

"i want answers." mae says.

cora rolls her eyes at mae before turning back to the cashier. "we'll have one large, cherry slushy."

while cora continues her conversation with the cashier, mae can't help but worry. she knows that she can trust cora with her life. but something is eating away at her conscience.

something that's telling her that cora and chris are hiding some big secret. and she knows it's not her business what they said to each other, but she can't help but wonder what their conversation was about.

"got it." cora announces, turning around with a large pile of candies in her arm and a big drink about to slip from her hand.

mae quickly takes the drink from her to avoid any spills and they head over to a nearby bench and wait for the triplets.

cora was right, that line was faster. at first, mae thought she was making shit up to get out of her conversation with matt.

the two girls sit in an awkward silence for a few moments before mae finally asks what's been on her mind.

"okay, what the hell did you and chris talk about and why is it such a big deal?" she asks.

cora opens her mouth to speak when nick saves her.

"did you guys miss me?!" he cheers, approaching their bench with his mouth already stuffed with candy. nick plops down in between cora and mae, nosily looking through the candies they picked out. 

"why'd you sit down? we're gonna go now." matt points out, making nick groan as he stands back up from the bench.

the movie still hasn't started. chris feels like they've been watching commercials for hours.

nick has already inhaled three bags of candy and mae finished the large slushy. and the movie still hasn't even began.

the order of the seats is : cora , matt , mae , chris , nick.

chris has been continuously glancing over at mae, noticing the way she's tapping her foot anxiously.

maybe she doesn't like horror movies? is the only guess chris can make. why else would her mind be reeling like this?

then, out of the corner of his eye, he sees cora stand up from her seat and start to shove through the isle, out to the walk-way. chris doesn't fail to see the way mae's foot taps faster when cora leaves the theatre.

did something happen between those two? but they seemed to be fine earlier.

before chris can ponder on the thought any further, mae turns to him. she leans up to his face and his heart flutters.

"i'll be back." she whispers in his ear. "i'm going to the bathroom. text me when the commercials are over, okay?"

chris nods.

and with that, mae stands up and follows where cora had just gone.

"where's she going?" nick asks from the other side of chris.

"bathroom." chris says without any further explanation before he also stands from his seat and exits the theatre.

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