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『 LOYALTY 』{ irl }

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{ irl }

mae as she leans her elbows on the countertop, resting her chin in her palms as she examines the different colored skates. the man behind the counter smirks at her, looking her body up and down, "what shoe size do you wear, darling?"

not noticing the creepiness to the man's tone of voice, mae replies, "i wear size seven."

"yeah?" he says, leaning down and grabbing a shoe box from below the counter and standing back up before holding it out to her. mae goes to take the box from him and he purposely grazes his hand against hers.

suddenly the man lets go when he notices the intimidatingly scary boy standing behind mae, glaring at him. chris wouldn't necessarily consider himself to be protective, but he's definitely not happy when creepy old men touch or even look at mae wrong.

"h-have a nice day, ma'am!" the man behind the man behind the counter says, quickly. mae smiles at him innocently, acting like she has no idea that chris is behind her scaring the man.

the two of them leave the line and catch up with the rest of their group.

mae turns around and jokinly slaps chris' arm, "why did you have to scare that poor old man? he's elderly! you could've caused him to have a heart attack!"

"he touched your hand," chris explains.

he carefully watches as mae sits in a chair and begins to effortlessly lace her skates. just a few minutes ago, he struggled to even get him skate on his foot and matt had to help him put it on. of course, matt laughed at him brother and made fun of him for being unable to put on his own skates.

"what!? an old man touched your hand!?" cora shouts, instantly getting protective over her best friend. "when? who? where is he?"

"it was harmless!" mae defends the man, not seeing an issue in the way he 'accidentally' touched their hands together.

"that's like saying the plague was harmless." chris mumbles.

"which it wasn't!" cora adds to chris' statement, still eager to punch an old guy in the face.

"well-" mae is interrupted by nick running and jumping on her back, both of them immediately falling to the ground. everyone around them stares at the two friends, worried about mae as she clearly landed on her arm wrong.

"shit! are you okay!?" nick asks, helping mae stand up.

you see, nick does this all the time. even when the two were just beginning to get to know each other, nick would always come up behind mae and jump onto her back. so why was it an issue this time? well, they're both in skates which makes them both incredibly unbalanced. and also the floor is super slick and hard. however, nick of course didn't think about any of this when he decided to jump on her back.

𝑳𝑶𝒀𝑨𝑳𝑻𝒀 - 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 { ✓ }Where stories live. Discover now