17. ✭and i did not deal with you, i know✭

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Modern Soundtrack: Getaway Car by Taylor Swift☼


As we made our way up to the catacombs, I felt a distinct twinge in my heart. Just weeks ago, I was up here with Sebastian where we had finally gone steady with one another. It was a pivotal moment for our relationship - maybe a doomed one, at that.

Now I sit here, as the brisk spring air blows through my hair. The yearning for power and ultimate domination through necromancy would clearly prove to show that Sebastian was not able to be saved. The relic must be broken.

Ominis and I ran through the same eerie catacombs I had been to just recently before and finally, at the very end of the cave we found it.

He had conjured over a dozen Inferis. I decided to go up to him alone - as I knew if Ominis were there it would only spark more arguments.


"My love! Finally, you are here to see the true power that this relic holds..." he said in a dark, menacing tone.

The relic in his hands sparkled much like the golden snitch did in my hands the day we shared our first kiss.


"You and I can rule the world! You must come with me, we will be unstoppable!" He insisted as he brought me close to him - to the point where I could feel his breath.

"You know I can't. This is not you. You are going down a path I cannot follow..." I trailed off, but before I knew it, Ominis had appeared. I knew this by the scowl on Sebastian's face.

"Sebastian! You must stop before it becomes worse," Ominis spoke - but there was no use. If I could not convince him, no one could. Sebastian shook his head - evidently frustrated.

"Perhaps you don't know me at all..." Sebastian said coldly. His eyes turned a striking emerald green. I began to shiver in fear. I did not like seeing him like this.

"You mustn't keep this going on any longer. It is merely a death trap," Ominis tried to explain.

"Sebastian!" It was Anne. She had brought Solomon. "Don't do this!"

"Anne! I have to... t-to save you!" Sebastian yelled out in a vulnerable manner. They ran to embrace each other, but before they could, Solomon hit Sebastian with a basic cast spell and crushed the relic right out of his hands.

Sebastian momentarily winced in pain.

"Uncle! You will not destroy my last plan of saving her!-" But, before Sebastian could finish, a fight of spells had broken out. I couldn't stand and just watch Solomon attack his nephew, so I began to attack back.

But, before I knew it, Solomon was clutching his stomach in pain, just seconds before an inevitable collapse. Sebastian had harnessed so much power, it was so potent, undeniable, unstoppable.

I glanced worriedly over to Ominis, who was holding his head in his hands.

Sebastian did not look once at me. His mind was set on one thing, and it wasn't anything good.

That's when I watched him cast Avada Kadavra. The green spikes emanating from his beat-up wand impaled Solomon in such an intense manner that I was instantly taken aback.

Solomon's limp, lifeless body fell to the ground. It was over. There was no going back from this. My mind began pounding, I hadn't remembered much, but I remember Anne casting something that had shoved Sebastian to the wall with so much force.

Solomon was dead, Ominis had disappeared, and Anne had an undeniable amount of disappointment plastered to her face.

"Don't come back," she spoke quietly- on the verge of tears. That's when they teleported back to Feldcroft.

"Sebastian! Are you alright?" I yelled out as I ran up to him. His face exhibited an astounding amount of sadness as if something had broken in him.

"There is nothing to be done now, I've got no one," he muttered sheepishly.

"You have me!"

"Not anymore, I don't."


Later that day I met Ominis in the undercroft.

"I'm not sure if we have any choice here, Cel," he spoke quietly. I glanced around.

"I am not going to turn him in, Ominis! I couldn't... I can't!" I whispered loudly.

"I trust you to make the best decision for him. The lad is quite enamored with you."

"I'm not sure if that still applies..." I sighed. He raised an eyebrow.

"Hogwart's most infamous couple? Broken by the bounds of Dark Magic? Oh, I saw it coming from a mile away," he teased, but I was not laughing.

"Maybe I should have listened to them..." There was a long pause before he replied.

"Maybe you should've. Sebastian is practically broken beyond repair. What happened to his uncle- is... well, it's horrendous. But, maybe you're right," he began. "Maybe this can just be a secret kept between us."

I nodded and then looked at the floor. It was dusty, the lights were dimming out, and worst of all, it was no longer a place of sanctuary. It was now a place of death and decay, plagued with the very thought of Sebastian and his fatal choices.

"You know what he told me?" I broke the silence. Ominis cocked his head to the side.

"What was it?"

"He told me, whatever happens from here, I'm glad we met."

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