Chapter 1 ~ Staying or Leaving?

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"Wait, your both leaving?" Radar said very worried.

Jesse and Jessica were looking back and forth at Beacontown and Petra. Jessica walked towards Radar and Lukas.

"Beacontown is pretty cool, and I don't wanna miss it getting even cooler." Jessica said smiling. Radar was jumping up and down, squealing with excitement.

Jesse watched Petra as she started to walk away, Jessica felt bad for him, she knew Jesse wanted to go with Petra but he didn't want to leave Jessica alone.

Jessica started over to him, "Jesse, we both know you want to go with her. Go." He looks at her with teary eyes. "But I don't want to lose you Jessica."

She rolled her eyes playfully and he gave her a hug. "You're not going to lose me, i'll always be here. Besides, I have us covered! Olivia created these things called 'Walkie-Talkies' so we would able to communicate with Petra while she is gone! But if you go with her, we could talk to you as well." Jessica hand him one from her inventory.

"You really are the greatest sister anyone could ever ask for." "I know" Jessica shrugged and he gives her one last hug and waved goodbye to the others and Beacontown. Then he had ran up to Petra. When he got there, she had pulled him into a tight hug and they ran off together.

Jessica grabbed her walkie talkie and turned it on and selected the radio. "If anything comes up, I'll let you know as soon as possible. Love you dork." Jessica said through the radio and they ran out of sight.

"I'm so glad your staying, and I can keep being your intern!" Radar says. "Oh come on. Intern?!? He hasn't earned a promotion yet" Lukas said crossing his arms with a smile. "Executive-Intern!" "Intern in Chief" "Director of Internal Affairs!" They both say names back and fourth as if they were hitting a ping pong ball.

"Of course you earned a promotion. How about Co-Hero in Residence?" She says bumping his shoulder. "Wow- I promise i'll make you proud!" He says squealing in excitement. "and friend?" She questioned. He squeals louder and hugged her.

"Ok, get off me." Jessica pushed him off to break up the hug. "Let's get back to the hall." She added walking in that direction. "Guys! Guys! Jessica decided to stay!" Radar said excitingly to Jack and Nurm. "Glad to hear it!" Jack said winking.

"Jessica! I have so many ideas for Beacon Town!" Radar squealed.

Radar started rambling off, Lukas walked over and put his hand on Jessica's shoulder. "I'm glad you stayed, I don't know how long i'll be able to put up with-" He looked up at Radar as he was walking in front of them continuing to ramble.

She snickered at his joke, "You know you love him, I mean you're like the dad he's never had!" Lukas looked back up at him, "What can I say? I'm a proud father."

"-Then you also got a few letters, one from some guy Aiden? He was saying how he wanted to redeem himself or something? Not to sure what that is about. The second one said 'Look Out' signed WP?"

Jessica looked at him with wide eyes at the last one. 'Cassie wouldn't do anything right? How did she even get this to us, isn't she stuck?' Jessica thought.

"And the last one really caught my eye, it was a map attached to the letter from Aiden." He said pulling it out of his inventory handing it to Jessica. "A map? This doesn't even look like our world." She said looking at it even closer this time.

Lukas pointed at a biome around the big red X in the middle on the map. "Because it's not our world, we don't have a cherry blossom biome" He said entering The Order Hall.

Smart ass.

The 3 of them looked at it like they we're a bunch of lost puppies.

"A cherry what?" Radar questioned. "A cherry blossom biome? When Jessica and I went on our first adventure together, I took a biome book from another world. The biome was in there so, I did some research to see if I could find anything else but I didn't find much." Lukas said opening the door to Jessica's office.

She placed the map down on her desk and sat in her chair continuing to stare at it, wondering how they would find this world and see what 'the big red X' in the middle meant.

"Look Jess, maybe let's not worry about this right now? You and Jesse just saved the world.. a-again. Why don't you get some rest and we can talk about this tomorrow?" Lukas said staring into Jessica's emerald green eyes, while she started back into his.

"Jessica?" Radar said snapping Jessica out of her gaze. Her face a little flushed from embarrassment "Oh yeah, sorry. That's probably for the best." She got up from her chair and walked out of her office with Lukas and Radar behind her, then shut the door behind her.

"Get some rest, I'll see you both in the morning" Lukas said smiling and walking out of the Order Hall.

Radar and Jessica head up the stairs to their rooms. They've been staying there like home for a while and Jessica thinks it's nice having him around. Now that Lukas is going to stay here in Beacon-town, Jessica thinks about convincing him to come live with them, considering his house is all the way outside of the gates .

"Goodnight, Jessica!" Radar said as he opened his bedroom door.

"Goodnight, Radar." Jessica smiled and closed her bedroom door behind.

Words : 956

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