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It felt as though days passed in the duration we were fighting with the Ganados. They came from all directions and constantly attacked us. Running out of ammunition early on in the fight, I fought onward using an axe that one of them had previously carried. Eventually, Leon found a way out of the house into a safe zone.

I tried to follow behind him but my bruised muscles were no longer able to support me. As I attempted to run, one of the Ganados grabbed my leg and lunged toward my face. Screaming from the pain that erupted as the infected villager clawed its rotten nails deeper into me, I was ready to give up.

Luis, noticing my lacking presence, rushed back through the entrance door and shot the Ganado point blank. He took my right arm over his shoulder and helped me limp to safety. As the gate slammed shut behind us I finally gave into my weak body and collapsed on the floor.

Luis beside me, bloodied and bruised from the workout we just had, kept his hand on my arm. I was leaning against him, my head resting on his shoulder as we both panted.

Leon walked up to us with an even angrier expression than before aimed toward me. Confused, I sat there in silence observing his expression. He held a hand out for Luis and helped him get up. He then turned around, completely disregarding me, and looked to see if Ashley was okay.

With similar concern for Ashley, I got up and hit Leon's shoulder as I walked past him. Placing the back of my hands on her head, I drilled her with questions about her health.

My attempt at grasping Ashley's condition remained futile as Luis clarified, " The cough, the blood–it's caused by something called a "plaga."

Leon still ignoring me, gave a look to Ashley, which she reciprocated. Frustrated, I continued to look at Luis and shrugged my shoulders with confusion.

"OK. You saw those 'people,' right? Well, you have the same thing inside you. The same thing that made theme like that."

I concurred, "So, it's a parasite. Well, if that's the case, there has to be a way to remove it, right?"

"It is possible to remove it...with a surgical procedure. And all you need is some know-how. And, oh-yeah–the right equipment." Luis loosened his collar to reveal a surgical scar that spanned his chest.

Leon interrupted, "Wait, you too?"

"No worries. See, I have a plan. But you're going to have to trust me," Leon only took Ashley's opinion before nodding at Luis.

Turning around, Luis hurriedly tried to leave us with a final remark, "Great! We're partners then!"

After Luis' departure, Leon, Ashley, and I walked through the empty pathway toward the next village. Leon walked ahead, continuing to ignore me.

To pass the time, I began to converse with Ashley, "So, do you know why he's so mad?"

She gave me a knowing look and smirked as she answered, "Maybe. I'm surprised you haven't caught on yet."

"Caught on to what? That he's bipolar?"

"No, silly. I won't ruin the fun just yet."

"Ugh, fine...Anyway, how'd you end up here?"

"I was at college, coming back to my dorm from a party, and before I knew it, I ended up in Spain. Lots of people try to target me cause of my dad, but no one's ever succeeded until now of course. How about you?"

"I'm a journalist, so strange situations have always attracted me."

"Ah, I guess you'll be the only one to get the big scoop."

"To be honest, I never came here for a story. Moreso, just to piece together a distant past."

"...This conversation's getting too deep. Let's talk about something more lighthearted, like how Luis was looking at you."

"What about it."

"Can't you tell? He totally wanted you."

"Yeah, sure."

We had walked into a cabin now. Disregarding, Ashley's last few sentences, I searched through it only to sigh in defeat after finding nothing of use. I looked to Leon, standing off to the side, and headed towards him.

Attempting to ease the atmosphere, I lightly rested my hand on his shoulder. I could feel him relax under my touch as he turned around to face me.

"Hey, you still mad."

He let out a grunt before shaking his head no. "I wasn't mad."

"Really?... Then why'd you ignore me?"

"I–I'm sorry," He looked away blushing profusely as he did so. His actions left me even more confused.

Before I could inquire again, two chainsaws ripped through the wooden wall facing me and Leon. Two Ganados ripped through the wall and stood atop the sawed wood. We backed away from the wall as Leon acted as a shield against them.

In typical Leon fashion, he joked, "I am flattered, but I'm a one-lady type of guy." Turning his head towards me.

I blocked one of the incoming saws with the axe I had picked up in our earlier battle as Leon threw a grenade. Grabbing Ashley, we ran out of the cabin and into the heart of the town. Leon covered us as Ashley and I rushed to another gate at the end of town. By the time we had reached it, Leon had already taken care of all the Ganado, including the obese with the chainsaws.

The leg that a Ganado had pierced into began to ache harshly. Not wanting to slow the others, I continued to trek alongside Leon and Ashley as we walked down another pathway.

While making our way through another gateway, I felt something with a firm grip pull me back. The pain in my legs had worsened by now and I remained immobile.

Looking back, I saw Mendez's intimidating figure looking down at me. "I have no need for you...but you may be useful to him ."

Mendez picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. I kicked and screamed trying to free myself. Realizing that there was no way I could get out of this situation, I yelled at Leon and Ashley, "Run!"

Heeding my advice they rushed passed the Ganado-littered passage and arrived at an isolated cliffside.

Somewhat relieved, knowing that they were safe, I tried to assess the situation. I observed Mendez as he menacingly walked in the direction of the human duo.

He seemed to have a knife lodged in his side. If I could reach it, then maybe I could hit him where it hurts. Mendez's seismic footsteps threw me off balance multiple times before I was finally able to grab the knife.

Just as I was about to use the knife, he jumped through a wooden wall straight into Leon. Using this as a distraction, I lodged the knife into his head. He loosened his grip slightly, I took the opportunity to flip myself off his shoulder and back on the ground.

Slightly dazed and furious, Mendez lunged forward and knocked me out. I promptly fell to the ground as my eyelids felt too heavy to stay open.

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