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"Major Krauser? What the hell? Why?" Leon questioned.

A shiver ran down my spine as Krauser slid his hands down my body to the back pocket of my pants. He reached for the small notepad I had kept to document my mission. Everything I had against Umbrella was in there including information about our recent encounters. Krauser knew I was here. He knew why I came. And his mission was to take my valuable information and kill me.

Krauser was too strong for me, and in this position, there was no way I would be able to fight him off. Instead, I reached my hands up to the knife, grabbing hold of the blade. Its edge was sharp enough to cut my fingers and let the red flow of blood slowly peak from my dirt-covered hands. He slowly tried to slit my throat, the tip of the blade making firm contact with the skin of my neck. Thankfully, the light pressure I had on the blade kept it from doing any damage. I smeared the creeping streams of blood from my fingers onto my neck, pretending as though he had really cut through. I let out a few dramatic gasps as I clutched my neck with both hands. To make it even more believable, I even let a tear roll down my eye before I fell to the ground and 'died' with my eyes open.

Krauser inspected the notebook and picked up the vial that had fallen from Luis' back pocket. He turned his gaze towards Leon as he spoke, "Recovering stolen goods. And killing a few rats along the way. Easy work."

With a distraught expression, Leon realized, "Ashley... It was you."

Krauser quickly lunged forward and held a knife at Leon's throat as he said, "You catch on quick. Didn't I teach you? Knives are faster."

Luis, previously stunned, lunged at Krauser with a piece of metal and hit him in the head. From there, the three men were locked in fierce combat. Occasionally, Leon and Krauser reminisced old times as they attempted to kill each other. I tried to get up and reach the gun Luis had also dropped, but I was too weak. I needed a breather, I couldn't keep on going in this condition. As I tried to steady my breath, I wondered, How did Krauser figure out what I was doing here? Last I remember, I'd never seen him before. Then it hit me. Albert Wesker was the only man who would know that I had a deep connection and hatred for Umbrella. I had no doubt in my mind: he sent Krauser to kill me.

The anger that ignited within me as I made this revelation allowed my limp body to muster the strength to grab Luis' gun, stand up, and shoot a few bullets at Krauser. The Major seemed shocked for a few seconds before he regained his stoic expression.

He made his way to a platform above the one we stood on and looked back at Leon before taunting, "You haven't changed a damn bit. What a disappointment."

As he made his exit, Leon and Luis rushed over to me, confused as to how I was able to resurrect from the dead. I chuckled, seeing their shocked faces, and continued by describing just how I was able to fool Krauser. Exhausted and overburnt, I passed out halfway through my explanation.

I could feel the gentle vibrations coursing under me. The steady thrum that resonated in harmony with the distant hum of the engine indicated that I was lying on a speedboat. Disoriented and groggy, my eyes fluttered open to the moon casting an ethereal glow upon darkened waters. The night air enveloped me, carrying a chill that seeped into my bones. I shifted in the boat, feeling the cool, damp surface beneath me.

Ada and Leon stood at the front of the boat, their silhouettes outlined against the shimmering moonlit path stretching across the lake. The wind carried their voices in a low murmur, their words punctuated by the rhythmic lapping of the waves against the hull. I strained my ears, attempting to hear fragments of their conversation.

As we neared a rocky coast, Ada suddenly broke away, her departure causing the boat to sway with a sudden jerk, jolting me fully awake. I struggled to maintain my balance, gripping the vessel's side for stability. Leon, ever watchful, turned towards me, his face partially illuminated by the soft glow of the moonlight. His face was etched with a blend of relief and worry.

Leon began, "Hey, you're finally awake. How are you feeling?"

I struggled to find my voice, my throat parched. With a raspy voice, I answered, ""I... I'm a bit disoriented, but I'll manage," I took a pause, analyzing the situation before continuing, "Where's Luis? And why is Ada here?"

"Luis... he's gone. I lost contact with him back at the compound. I'm not sure why, but he wanted to go his separate way and said he had some business to take care of...On the other hand, Ada... she just showed up unexpectedly. I don't trust her, but she did help us manage to get here."

After we boarded off the boat, me and Leon cautiously navigated through a dimly lit, rocky tunnel. The air grew heavy with anticipation as we meticulously scanned our surroundings, watching for any signs of booby traps or security measures that could jeopardize our progress. Shadows danced upon the walls, casting eerie silhouettes that seemed to reach out towards us.

As we approached the compound's entrance, a wave of unease swept over us. The night seemed to grow eerily quiet, as if anticipating the impending danger. Suddenly, chaos erupted. We found ourselves in the midst of a fierce battle, facing a terrifying creature—a mix of boar and human armed with a lethal machine gun. Bullets tore through the air, ripping apart the silence that had engulfed us. With every ounce of strength, we fought to survive, the deafening roar of gunfire echoing through the compound. The flashes of muzzle fire pierced the darkness, filling the air with the acrid smell of gunpowder.

The air crackled with tension as we strategized, our movements synchronized with a shared sense of purpose. Dodging and weaving, we employed every ounce of agility to evade the deadly spray of bullets. With calculated precision, we aimed for weak points, targeting vital areas of the creature's twisted anatomy. Each hit sent reverberations through its hulking frame, but it fought back with savage resilience. Finally, a decisive blow landed causing the creature to stagger.

We fought our way through the remaining Ganados as we trekked to the other side of the facility. Finally, after defeating most of our enemies, we walked onwards in silence. The further we moved into the facility, the more eerie my surroundings felt. The wind whispered through the cracks and crevices of the deteriorating structures, carrying with it a sense of desolation and secrets long kept hidden. The crunch of gravel beneath our boots echoed in the stillness, a stark reminder of our intrusion into this forsaken place. The moon, peering through gaps in the clouds, cast fleeting silver beams upon the worn surfaces, illuminating faded signs and faded insignias that spoke of a forgotten era. The scent of saltwater mingled with the musty scent of decay.

Leon and I found our hands instinctively coming together, intertwining as if seeking solace in each other's presence. I found solace in this new companionship, so much so that my feelings for him began to grow. We exchanged playful banter and engaged in heartfelt conversations, creating brief respites from the weight of our mission. Yet, beneath the surface, an undeniable tension simmered between us, an unspoken longing that hung in the air, waiting to be acknowledged.

Lost in conversation, I didn't realize how close I had gotten to Leon. We were now inches apart, our noses practically touching one another. I wanted to reach up and kiss him right then and there, but before I could even attempt to do so, Leon questioned, "I've been meaning to ask you about that notebook. The one Krauser took from you. What's so important about it?"

Slightly taken aback by the question I cautiously answered, "It's evidence, Leon. Evidence that exposes the darkness behind the Umbrella Corporation." I looked into his eyes, seeing a glimmer of suspicion mingled with a deep desire to understand.

After a moment of contemplation, Leon shook his head with acknowledgment. We shared a silent agreement to let the matter rest for now, to focus on the immediate danger that surrounded us.

I was torn between my feelings and my duty. The only reason I had risked my life for years was to take Umbrella down, but was I really going to risk that for a guy I met tonight? Deep down I knew that I wanted to say yes, but I couldn't. If there's one thing that stuck with me even after leaving Umbrella, it was that the mission always comes first.

Leon's concerned voice snapped me from my pondering as he yelled, "Ashley! Ashley!"

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