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6 years later

"This is ridiculous" a chuckle " I'm filming this stuff for no one to see. It's not like I have anything exciting to say I am stuck in a metal box for the rest of my life, but..I guess it's a good way to distract myself  when everyone's busy, god if Lo'ak finds me talking to this camera I will never hear the end of it"

a set of footsteps was heard in the background approaching her bedroom
" Who are you talking to? Was I away too long and you started to lose it without my presence, hmm star girl?"
The unmistakable teasing tone let out, he let out a chuckle as he approached

"Shit! Speaking of the devil... I uh...I guess I'll talk to you later" was the last thing she said as she got closer to the camera, a small smile forever  captured as the video stopped, the still image of Tia smiling up at the viewer brightening up his face.
Lo'ak traced his hand on the computer screen, laying his hand on the top of it to be able to caress the part in which Tia's cheek was displayed, a broken smile taking over his features.
" You have no idea how much I miss you" he whispered, like  the almost decade old footage could hear him and respond back.
After Tia was so brutally ripped away from him, the family had fled the forest like planned, Lo'ak doesn't remember anything of that journey, only that Neteyam had to help him up on his ikran and force it to take off, it was as if he had stopped working all together, blank stare looking back at the forest, not knowing if she was still there or somewhere far away, never to be seen again.

At awa'atalu it wasn't any easier, people were wary of them, especially of him and Kiri since they both exhibited human traits like their eyebrows, smaller eyes, 4 fingers and Kiri's human looking nose.
Bullying was the norm, Lo'ak and Neteyam had gotten in a few fights to protect their sister.

Having to learn this whole other way of life from the metkayna, learning how to hold your breath underwater was a pain, getting used to the pressure of the deep water, mastering to ride an ilu underneath the sea where not an easy task.

Thanks to yet another dangerous prank from Ao'nung and his minions, Lo'ak had found himself a friend for life, payakan, a tulkun who went rogue after trying to avenge his mother's death in the process. The other tulkun shunned him for this, having a law of no violence no matter the cost. This made the bond between the two stronger,
both misunderstood from their own and having lost the most important being in their life.

Then the demon ships arrived and everything turned upside down.
The fear,
The hurt,
The destruction,
The death.

So much death,
it is said from the metkayna that the sea gives and the sea takes.
The sea gave Lo'ak a spirit brother in the form of payakan and the sea took his own brother, Neteyam.
It was all a blur to him
his brother  had been shot, completely blacking out when his big brother, his protector and role model took his last breath, blank eyes staring up to the sky.Lo'ak's own trembling ones slowly facing his hands, the two being soaked in deep red.

He did this, his rushed decision making brought Neteyam to his violent death, he was the culprit,
its his fault,
he is a murderer,
he killed his own flesh and blood.
He will not know peace as long as he lives.

After managing to save his remaining family with the help of payakan and Kiri the funerals took place. As heartbreaking as it was the event was beautiful in its own way. They littered the sled that they used to take Neteyam to his final resting place with violet flowers, their petals spreading in the water as they lowered him on the water surface. Lo'ak's hand resting softly on neteyam's forehead, just like he used to do to him while he was alive.

As his parents let the glowing sea floor take Neteyam's body, engulfing him in its eternal last hug Lo'ak felt himself reach out towards him, a silent scream coming out of him.
Air bubbles everywhere and tears getting lost in the infinite sea.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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