Chapter 9: A book of dark secrets?

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Luffy, Zoro and Robin are running.

Sky disappeared.

Sanji fell in love with Sky and is upset that she disappeared.
Franky and Brook taking care of ship.
Nami lost the idiots: Sanji & Luffy.

Chopper & Ussop buying candy floss.

[No one P.O.V]

"LUFFY YOU IDIOT! I FINALLY FOUND YOU!" The orange haired woman's face turned bright red in anger.

"Sorry!!" Luffy scratched his head sticking out a tongue in mischief.

"Let's go library and research..." Nami sighed.

"So boring..." Luffy whined.

"SHUT UP!" Pissed off Nami punched her captain.

"Sorry, Nami-san. I think I lost Zoro..." Robin closed her eyes as a sweatdrop appeared on her head.

"Its okay, let's go library research for now. Luffy, can yo-,"She stopped talking when she realized their captain disappeared.

She slammed her hand on her forehead,"That idiot!"

"It alright, navigator-san! Let's go library now!"Robin giggled.

"Luffy? Zoro? What are you two doing over here?" Sanji asked.

"AH! Yo, Sanji!" Luffy grinned,"Coincidences!"


"I saw her." Sanji muttered.

"Really? Tell her to come with us then!" Luffy said.

"Are you stupid or what?" Sanji shouted, but then he face-palmed,"Oh yes, I forgot. You are really stupid."

"So what happened?" Zoro whistled, yawning.

"She refused, of course,"Sanji shrugged.

"Maybe you should give up, Lu-"Zoro was interrupted by his captain.

"NO! I WILL NEVER GIVE UP," Luffy yelled suddenly,"I'm going to save her thats all."
They remained silent. They knew and they will believe in their captain. Like always.

[At the library]

Robin scanned the History section. They were ancient books. She saw a newer book in between. 

"This book is not as old as seems like someone is trying to hide this book." The black hair woman touched the yellowish cover as the pages' smell entered her nose. She flipped open the book and saw and lock. Why are they hiding this book? Is it the island secrets? Robin wondered aloud to Nami. Nami tried to flipped to the next, but the book won't allow her. It was locked mysteriously.

"What are you doing over here?!" A loud voice startled them,"You're not supposed to be here. This section is banned to everyone except for 'A' rank marines."

"'A' rank marines? There are ranks?"Nami asked, a confused expression crossed her face

"What are you talking about?! Of course there is a rank! From A to F,"Her mouth twisted into a frown. 

Robin crossed her arms, and hands appeared on the marine's neck,"Let us off with this book without telling anyone."

She drew in horrified gasp,"Who are you?" 

"Wait, I knew it! Your pirates that is with Sky the other day!"

"What do know about Sky? Tell us everything."Nami demanded, putting her hands on her hips.

"Sky's powerful and scary,"She trembled,"She killed about a whole army of marines when she was 7."

"And how do we opened this book?"Robin eyed at her suspiciously. 

"They hid it in the Marines headquarters..."

"T-that's all I k-know...let me o-off please," She begged,"I still have 2 kids at home."

"Alright." Nami and Robin agreed.
They walked out of the library and found a place to sit at. 

"How do we sneaked in?" Robin sighed,"I'm pretty sure there's some dark secrets in it.

"Nami! Robin!" They heard a familiar voice. They turned around and saw the blue nose reindeer and a long nose man.

"Oh! We need your help. We need to sneak in to steal a key to unlock this book. I'll be the one sneaking in but the rest of you need to distract them while I steal it. And the worst thing is......"

They held their breath.

"We don't know where is it at all. We only know its in a room. So I need some time." Nami ended her sentence, smiling. 

"Let's go!" Nami smiled and spinned her blue stick. [Refer to image gif]

"Huh? Why do you look so lifeless?"Nami asked innocently.

"Witch!"Ussop muttered.

"What did you say?!"Nami asked Usopp with a pissed off mark on her smiling face.


-End  of Chapter-

Yay finally I wrote a chapter! I'm truly sorry for not updating

Please comment your opinions so I can improve.

Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the chapter~ ><

Byes! Until then! :)


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