Haruto: Lore.

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After Haruto celebrated his fifth birthday, a troubling chapter unfolded. His father, Ichiro Saito, began arriving home late, often in a drunken state, subjecting Haruto's mother, Misaki Saito, to his hot temper. Despite Haruto's attempts to intervene, he too became a victim of the escalating turmoil. This distressing pattern persisted over the years, triggered by his father's association with new colleagues who influenced him to succumb to alcoholism.

"Haru, stop it, please. Dont interfere. Dont try helping me, I dont want you hurt." His mother said, her voice filled with a mix of sadness and sweetness, applying medicine to Haruto's bruises.

Haruto looked up at his mother with tears flowing from his eyes, "But... you're hurt aswell, why is dad doing this?" Haruto said softly.

Misaki shaked her head slightly, "I don't know, your dad has been feeling overworked and hot-tempered lately." Haruto took some of the medicine and rubbed it on his mother's wounds.

Sniffling, he said,"Mama, when I grow up, I will become strong, and I will protect you forever! I promise!" Haruto then started to cry, his voice cracking.

Misaki hugged Haruto tightly, sobbing into her son's raven hair. "Thank you, my dear Haru. Mama loves you so much."


Year 2001, Haruto, 11 years old.
His school days were a one-man show. No friends to share a laugh or exchange a word with - just this constant struggle to break through the wall of isolation. Socializing seemed like a foreign concept; it was like he spoke a different language from everyone else. He remembers two boys from his neighbourhood, he met them back when he was ten, were they even friends? It was this uncertain bond, met once and then poof, disappeared into the backdrop of his life.

Academically, it was a rollercoaster of letdowns. Tests became these formidable challenges he couldn't conquer, setting the stage for the real drama at home. Once through the front door, it wasn't just the heavy backpack he carried; it was the looming fear of a scolding and a beating from his old man.

A harsh slap across Haruto's face led him falling to the floor, "Stop it! He is just a child!" Misaki yelled.

"Is this all you can do? I'm fucking tired of getting calls from your teacher saying you are failing your classes, can't you do better?! I'm ashamed to call you my son. You're such a useless child." His father said, looking down at Haruto, who was on the ground staring up at his father pathetically, with small bruises on his face and tears in his eyes. His expression was full of hurt hearing Ichiro's harsh words.

His mother ran infront of Ichiro to block him, ready to stop him from hurting her son any further. His father walked away, to Haruto wouldn't give a damn where. His mother went to him and pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back as tears fell from his eyes. She kept chanting, "It's okay." Hiccups escaped Haruto's throat as he buried his face into her shoulder.

"I'm trying, mom, I really am! Why is Father so angry?" He sobbed.

Misaki frowned at the question,"I don't know why... I don't know what's wrong with your father now. I'm sorry, dear."

At bedtime, Haruto's mom tucked him in, planted a gentle kiss on his forehead, and said goodnight before closing the door. Alone in the dark, he clutched the blanket tightly, holding back tears. His dad's hurtful words echoed like a stuck song in his head until he drifted into sleep.

"You're such a useless child."

The next day, Haruto's parents got into a fight again. Screaming, yelling, and violence, just like any other fights they've had. He tried to intervene, but his efforts were no use. When it resided, Haruto's dad walked back to his room and slept on the bed like he did nothing. He glared at his dad, then turned to look at his frustrated mother sitting on the couch.

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