V. OTW to Orlando

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You opened your eyes and your head is aching a little. You didn't know you're on a plane because you were a bit drunk last night. You turned to the right and saw tadashi looking at the window. You punched his left arm and looked at you "hey where are we?! I mean why are we on a plane?!" You said and raised an eyebrow. He sighed "Of course you won't remember because you're a bit drunk last night and you don't have any rest. We're heading to Orlando, to disney world" then you remembered something.

Flashback, yesterday...
At the park
"I want to go to disney world" you said to tadashi "Sure" he said and hugged you.
"Let's go to disney world tomorrow. It's already late" you said while looking at your phone clock "Okay. But what are we going to do after?" Tadashi asked. You grinned "I know a place where we can go" you stood up "where?" Tadashi asked while raising an eyebrow and he stood up "at a ktv bar".

You two stopped at a ktv bar at the street close to your apartment. You two walked inside and saw a plenty of rooms. The lady at the cashier greeted you both "do you have any available rooms here?" You asked the lady "yes ma'am room 3 is available" "okay we'll take it" "what would be the beverage ma'am?" You turned to look at Tadashi "do you drink?" He shook his head "No, I don't and never" you smirked "Haha what a gay men" and he rolled his eyes "I just don't!" You turned to the lady "I'll take four bottles of beer, smaller size please" you said to the cashier lady. The lady escorted you both to room number 3. She opened the door and you saw a couch and a table infront of it and karaoke "enjoy singing ma'am, sir" and then you closed the door.

You've sang a plenty songs and you already finished your beers. You turned to look at tadashi and you saw him just sitting beside and smiling "why are you smiling?" You said and narrowed your eyes at him. He smirked "no it's nothing, it seems you're enjoying and you already finished those beers in ten minutes" he said while smiling at you. You blushed when you saw those lips of him curved "well it seems that you're too gay to drink and sing with me" you said and you rolled your eyes "no, I just don't. Since when did you start drinking?" He said "when I was sixteen" you said and you pout your lips "Now I understand why you're drinking" "Then what is it?" "Its because your mom left you when you were young and she's not there too support you when you're a teenager" he said while rubbing the back of his neck.

You realized that he was right "I guess that's true" you said and you felt crying "you, why don't you drink?" "I was raised by my aunt very well" he said "don't you have any parents?" "They died when I was seven" you saw a sadness on his face "oh, I'm so sorry" you said and put your hand on his left shoulder "No It's okay, I don't mind"

He get the song book on the table and searching for some songs "Here, I request for you to sing this" he said while showing the song book and pointing at the song title "Closing time?, seriously?, that's my favorite song" you said and smiled "By Semisonic?, that's my favorite too you know" Tadashi added and smiled. You entered the song key and the song started and you started singing.

Closing time, open all the doors
And let you out into the world
Closing time, turn off all the lights on
Over every boy and every girl
Closing time, one last call for alcohol
So finish your whiskey or beer
Closing time, you don't have to go home
But you can't stay here

I know who I want to take me home
I know who I want to take me home
I know who I want to take me home
Take me home-

Tears fell down on your face. Because you remember that this was your parents favorite song when you were born. You stopped singing and started crying. You rest your head at Tadashis left shoulder and still crying. Tadashi continued singing the song.

I know who I want to take me home
I know who I want to take me home
I know who I want to take me home
Take me home

Tadashis voice was very good and you stopped crying. You lift your head up from his shoulder and you both started singing together

Closing time, time for you to go out to the places you will be from

I know who I want to take me home
I know who I want to take me home
I know who I want to take me home
Take me home

Closing time, every new beginning
Comes from some other beginnings end.

You rested your head on Tadashis left shoulder and then Tadashi wrapped his arms around you. You fell asleep

"Hey, hey (Y/N)" Tadashi said waking you up. You opened your eyes and saw that Tadashis arm is wrapped around your shoulders. You suddenly removed your self from tadashi and started blushing "wh-what time is it already?" You asked Tadashi. Tadashi checked his wrist watch "It's already.... 3:38 a.m." you gasped by surprise because of the time "oh shit!" You face palmed "how long have we been here?" "I guess, 8 hours" tadashi said raising an eyebrow. You stood up and tadashi followed you "good thing this ktv bar is 24/7, so let's go" you said and Tadashi nodded.

You two are the outside of the bar.
"So what now?" You asked Tadashi then he shrugged "I don't know, you're the trip planner here" "Oh yes, disney world" you face palmed again "So let's head to Orlando" Tadashi nodded "Sure" you grinned at him "You're lucky I've brought so many money" Tadashi smiled "You're lucky cause you've got company" you rolled your eyes at him "Let's go to the airport".

You and Tadashi ride on his scooter to the airport. "Why are you coming with me after all, don't you have any projects or exams or something" you asked him shouting on his ear "I'm already done with my project, besides the school doesn't care if a student absents, we're already college y'know, how about you?" Tadashi said while paying attention to the road "I guess you're right, well I'm done with my project too. But doesn't your family will get worried?" You said to him loudly "I think They're fine with it, they know that I'm at the lab" he said. You rolled your eyes "You think?, then you shouldn't come with me if you just think" "Well, you don't have a companion to go to disney world right?, and I know you don't have any place to stay, that's why I must" and then you blushed.

You stopped at the parking airport. "So, what will happen to your scooter?" You asked Tadashi. "I'll park it here of course but, the parking fee" he said while rubbing the back of his neck. You smiled at him "I'll handle it".

"Ma'am the available time is 6:30 a.m" the cashier lady said to you. You're buying airplane tickets "Oh yes I'll take that, tickets for two" you handed your credit card to the lady and she swiped it. Your eyes widened because you were shocked about what you saw on the computer screen that's a lot of money you saw that your credit card has $15,345 on it. The lady handed your credit card together with two plane tickets "Have a safe trip Ma'am". You walked to the waiting shed and saw Tadashi sitting and looking around. You sat beside him. You checked the time and it's already 4:34 a.m. "I guess we will wait for two hours" you said to Tadashi "It's worth the wait afterall" and He nodded.

End of flashback
"Oh yeah, we really are lucky" you said to Tadashi and he nodded. "We've already arrived at the Orlando International Airport. Please enjoy your stay and have a good day" the pilot announced. You looked at Tadashi who's still looking at the window "What time is it already?" You asked him. He looked on his wrist watch "It's already 7:28 a.m." he said and you nodded.


Phew!. What a long chapter to make. But guys thank you for reading this and please vote. Lovelovelove
all rights reserved.

How's the ktv with tadashi?!. And oh he wrapped his arms around you huh.


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