In LA w/out Nidal. Chpter 2

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Salish's POV~
I miss Nidal a lot, it's been a few weeks since I haven't seen him. I should text him.. Salish to Nidal- "Hey Nidal, I miss you a lot . And I am hoping that we can hang out soon again, how is Texas? Is the weather good there?" Nidal replies back shortly after- "Hey Saysay. I miss you a lot too. It's kinda boring without you, I miss being with you." I saw that he replied to me. I decided to answer him back. "I wish I could see you soon"

Nidal's POV~
Hmm.. I need to find a way to see her.. "JIJIIIIIII" I scream down the stairs hoping she will hear me. (no reply) "OMG JIJIIIIIIIII" I yell even louder "WHAT OMG" Jiji says back. "GET UP HERE I HAVE A QUESTIONNNNN" I say "GOD FINE" *Jiji walks up the stairs* "WHAT DO YOU WANT RAT" Jiji says as she messes up my hair. "GO KILL YOURSELF " I scream "OMG JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT!" She screams in my ear. "CAN WE GO SEE SALISH PLEASEEEEEEEE" I say, "Awww you want to see your girlfriend!!" She says staring at me. "she isn't my g-girlfriend!" I said while nervous. "OMG YOU STUTTERED YOU GUYS ARE DEFINITELY IN A SECRET RELATIONSHIP!" She says. "NO WE ARENT SHUT UP" Jiji says, "Nidal you better be honest.. DO YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR SALISH?" "Um, N-no..?" I say nervously. "STOP LYING AND JUST TELL ME THE TRUTH SO WE CAN GO SEE HER!" She screams at me. "Um. MAYBE A BIT" I say really quickly. "OMG OMG" *Jiji texts Salish* "SALISH NIDAL LIKES YOU A LOT A LOT" "OMG I HATE YOU JIJI." I say.

I'm sorry that's it for this chapter I will update soon, maybe not tomorrow but soon and they will be way longer around 1000 or 2000 words. If you have any suggestions please comment. Thank you! word count-327

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