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april 1st 2023, many fans of doctor who never expected to see a famous star appear out of nowhere without notice without a disguise..

"MATT!" "MATT IS SO CUTE!" many of matts fans were shouting from a far distance from the amount of people in his line, paparazzis sneaking around and taking pictures of matt standing up. many distant shouting from security about phones and pictures without permission.

suddenly while matt was at his last autograph & picture before his break a man with glasses and blonde hair asked about him coming back to the 60th anniversary to doctor who "I know this will be a bit random, but will you ever be coming back to the 60th anniversary? hopefully with jenna?" matts eyes widened but he tried not to drop the smile he had "jenna?" "oh..! jenna! I remember now but from what I know of no..it's mainly with catherine tate and david tennant" answered matt, matt tried to act as if he didn't remember jenna but he always remembered that name and whenever someone mentioned that name his stomach would flip "I see, can you sign my poster and get a picture with me then?" asked the man "sure if that's what the note says" nervously laughed matt, matt signed the man's autograph then leaned over the table to get a picture with the man, the man said thank you and walked off. "have a great day!" called out matt, the security told everyone in matts line that matt is on a break for 25 minutes so people can leave the line if they needed to. matt began to stand up and slowly put his black jacket on until a fan of his in line moved their head and then a surprising face was shown, a face he never thought he'd see again.

Jenna colemans face was revealed, no one noticed but she was wearing an empire floral dress with a cardigan, her blonde hair surprised matt but he was afraid to admit that it looked good on her. "jenna" matt said under his breath, jenna was behind the line where the security was but when she turned her head in matts direction her eyes widened shock, since she was so far she wasn't able to see. Jenna began to run closer to matts direction and then a fan stopped her "where are you goi-" the fan realized who it was "jenna!?" shouted 3 doctor who fans. Jenna couldn't care less at this point she only focused on matt "JENNA!" there we go, that soft voice of matts called out jennas name, he smiled and waved. Jenna had to jump up in the air and that's when she saw him properly, matt told the security to wait there and he ran to jennas direction and hugged her, jenna had to get on her tippy toes but was really glad to see matt again after many years "matt! matt!! I thought I was late" cried out Jenna, matt pulled out of the hug and gasped as he began to touch Jenna's face with his thumb "youre real!?" shouted matt "of course I'm blimin real!" Matt laughed at Jenna's scouse accent.
"Seems like the scouse got yer eh?" giggled matt "how long were you here for jenna?" "1 day!? and what do you mean the scouse got me! I think you forgot that I grew up in blackpool" "ohhhh right..i didn't know that" jenna gently nudged matt "surprisingly you don't" said jenna.
matt smiled at jenna and contained eye contact with her "where are you going then?" asked Jenna "just on a break for 25 minutes, you?" answered matt "was looking for you but I guess you have to go now then" matt scratched the back of his head then looked away and asked a simple question "do you want to go with me then?" Jenna was surprised at matts question but she nodded and matt was glad she did so.

many fans took pictures of matt & jenna hugging and speaking together, these pictures were on nearly every platform and there were even videos and tweets such as "matt smith & jenna coleman reunite" "opinions on this whole mattjenna thing? honestly a shock I didn't even expect that and I bet matt wasn't too" matt & Jenna had to confirm on a interview that they weren't dating but they did know they had something but didn't know how to explain it.

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