𝟎𝟐, 𝗍he visit

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𝐉𝐔𝐋𝐘 𝟐𝐍𝐃, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟎

"Booka!" Teoni yelled looking at him fall face first. She rushed over to him, grabbing his arm she used all her body strength to flip his body over.

"Why do you like doing dumb stuff?" She asked as blood leaked from his nose. Durk sat on the floor trying not to laugh while Von cringed as he rewatched the fall on his camera.

"My nose hurts Tee," He whined. Since they were too far from the shop their was no cloth she could use to stop the bleeding so she took off her shirt and held his nose.

All the boys were shirtless because it was hot. So she couldn't use none of their shirts, thankfully she had a sports bra under.

She tilted his head before glaring at a laughing Durk. "Booka you wanna be a ladies man so bad."

"Nigga my nose is bleeding I wasn't on that typa timing." Booka replied knowing exactly what Durk meant.

Teoni shook her head, it was so obvious she was the only girl they interacted with.

"I got a shirt in my bag Tee, ima go get it." Von told her making her nod.

After walking to the store she cleaned Booka up. And wore the big white tee Von gave her.

"I feel like I'm gonna pass out," Booka exaggerated as he slumped on the couch. They couldn't take him to the hospital because they didn't have enough money on them.

"Not bad enough for the hospital," Von explained.

"It's gon take more than a fall to put a real nigga like me out."

"Booka why do you think you're so unbeatable?" Teoni asked.

"Stop being rude Teoni," he rolled his eyes. "I was just trynna get Von to record a new trick I learned.

"Is y'all ready to go see Tata?" Von asked making Booka and Teoni smile like little kids. Durk remained quiet, still feeling guilty.

After all he was the reason Tata was in the hospital to begin with.

"Let me drive," Teoni said as she grabbed Bookas keys from him.

"You can barley skate!" Booka yelled making Von hold his laughter.

"Dayvon that wasn't even funny," Teoni rolled her eyes. "Get in the car all of you."

They all headed to the car to put their boards in the trunk after Durk locked up the store. Von sat in the passengers seat because he was instructing Teoni on how to drive.

"What time is it?" Teoni asked so she knew if she should increase her speed or not.

"How are we supposed to know?" Booka asked. "None of us own a watch or a phone."

"Speak for yourself," Durk smiled as he showed two broken iPhone fours. "It's four o'clock."

"When and how'd you get that?" Teoni asked staring at him from the mirror.

"Stay in child's place," he stuck his tongue out making her kiss her teeth.

She hoped it wasn't what she thought.

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