That's Just How Life Is

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When we got older, my sister and I started to live alone after our mother moved to another country for her work. She asked us if we wanted to come, but we decided to stay.

"Do you want to come with me?" Mom asked nonchalantly.

"No, we'd like to stay here." My sister explained as mom nodded and left with her bags.

She didn't even say goodbye, which sometimes made me wonder if she ever really loved us.

Though we still get some support from her financially, she's been distant from us. It didn't make any difference, though. She's been away ever since my whole life.

As a kid, I'm extremely shy due to not having exposure to society without any supervisor or anyone to watch around me. Because a 5-year-old wouldn't have made any difference trying to watch over a 2-year-old kid playing with others.

All the time we used to play around with our mom's stuff and usually, it would be her make-up. Or shed have me dress up as a monster and have me chase her around the house.

But most of the time, we always messed around with mom's make-up. Of course, we had a lot of fun. At the end of our playtime, both of us would look like an utter mess.

After a while, we started to get used to the life we had ever since Mom left. She usually came back home for a few days and then left again for weeks.

And after mom left, it wasn't much different since she used to leave for long durations of time anyway, but it felt weird not having her come home at least for a few days.

And as I already mentioned, we used to always mess up with our mothers' stuff and do each other's makeup.

After growing up a little more, our make-up looked like works of art in each other.

Then we wore our mothers' fabulous dresses. We looked amazing! We did this every time we were bored and mostly, we'd play video games or get out and have fun.

Sadly, things can't go on forever.

Soon, my sister graduated from college and started working. She couldn't do anything about it, she worked kinda far from my school, and I couldn't just move schools just like that.

It couldn't be helped. So, every Thursday, we would meet up and hang out until the end of the weekend.

I didn't mind it at all. After all, the train station was just near our school.

I'd go there right after school and wait for her to arrive. I'd even stay over at her place sometimes when we don't have classes on Fridays.

I started getting used to this new routine of our life, I enjoyed staying at her place because the new environment was friendly to me and it didn't take long for me to get comfortable.

At her place, there were a lot of things to do. Usually, we'd eat outside and hang out around the park. On special occasions, we'd play around the playgrounds as if we were still little kids.

"Lin! Over here!" I yelled to get her attention. When she turned to look at me, I smiled and rushed to her.

She chuckled and came to me, hugging me tightly.

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