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I smiled and looked at the sky, it was so calming and the stars winked at me.

"Well, Akio, I met your grandmother at the train station." I replied.

It wasn't a lie, but it was indirect and incomplete. I couldn't tell him the whole context, so I just asked him something.

"And also, can I ask you something?" I asked.

Akio looked at me in curiosity and nodded. "Sure, go ahead."

"Do you... Remember anything from your accident? The train station incident. I've heard about it from other passengers." I asked. Why was that so hard for me to do?

"Actually, I can't remember anything... After the accident, I lost my memories. I remember most things, but majority I've lost." He replied.

I sighed in disappointment and decided to give up. If our relationship was just not meant to bloom, then let it be.

He doesn't know me, and it'll stay that way forever. And I couldn't even bring myself to tell him the truth and thank him for saving my sister's life.

He's the reason my sister's still here with us, fighting. And I can't even thank him for what he did.

And all he did was be nice to me, too. I just couldn't help but feel bad, I didn't want to embarrass or humiliate myself in front of him.

And after some more debate inside my head, I decided that, even if I look stupid, or foolish in front of him, I would tell him the truth. I owe him for saving my sister's life.

But before I could even speak up, he broke the silence first.

"But-, I think I remember a little bit about the accident. I think she fell, I'm not sure. I was in love with-"

"I know." I cut him off and put my chin to my knees. He looked at me and asked, "You know? How could you know?"

"Yeah, your grandmother showed me your portraits of her. You were inlove with her, that's why you jumped and saved her from getting hit by the train, right?" I explained.

"Actually, no. I was inlove with her sister. The woman who fell-, every Friday, we'd take the same train. Sometimes, we would talk and then she started telling me about her sister." He replied.

"And when she takes off, I get to see hee. By the sound of it, it is indeed love at first sight. Her sister used to tell me things about her all the time, which made me feel something new. And when I saw her, I just felt deeply attracted to her. The first time I saw her, I realized that all the stories her sister told me, we're true." I couldn't help but state at Akio. He looks like an angel that fell from heaven, he looks so beautiful even when telling stories.

"Sorry, I must sound so stupid right now." Akio chuckled. I was left speechless, I didn't know what to say. I mean, he's indirectly confessing to me right now and-, and... I don't know how to react.

"Everyday, I'd go back to the train station to try and sought for her. But they never arrived. Although, a few days ago, I spotted the exact same hair and wanted to approach her, but it was too late."

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