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Clay POV

my doorbell rings.

I look to Tiana.
"who could it be?" she asks "i don't know.. wait here." i say as i get up and make my way downstairs.

I carefully open the door and what I see next..
Is George.

"George? what are you doing here?" i ask as i step outside and close the door behind me "what am I doing here?" he speaks.

"oh my god- what did you drink!" i smell pure alcohol "that doesn't matter!" he angrily says "why did you hang up?"

"is that why you came here?" i roll my eyes "have you moved on that fast?" he then asks as he gets tears in his eyes "is Tiana that much better than me?"

"George what are you talking about?" i sigh "i know that she's sitting upstairs on your bed." he says.

"what is she doing in your room!" he shouts "stop shouting!" i scream-whisper. "why is she in your room! what are you two doing there? surely not just playing!"

"It's over between us." i say "i can do whatever i want!" i add. His eyes wide a little "you can't just throw away what we had!" his tears roll down.

"who was the one that talked shit about me!" i shout, then I quiet down again cause I notice where I am.

"you were the one telling people that I'm stalking you and all those things." i say to him "you fucked this up! you fucked up what we had."

"I already told you I'm sorry!" he grabs my hand "George stop!" i pull away.

he looks into my eyes.
"I love you Clay." he mumbles "i know you do." i say.

"but I want you to let the others know too." i say "i can't out myself!" he says "then let them know you like me as a friend!"

"If you let them know we are friend, I'll forgive you. If you let them know you like me as a friend, I'll forgive you. If you won't let them talk bad about me while you're with them, I'll forgive you."

he stares into my eyes again and I feel my own heart breaking.

"you don't like Tiana, do you?" he asks "i don't like her. she's just a friend." i say. It stays quiet between us again.

"There were two men who were about to do something to me." he then says looking at the ground "thats why I called you the second time."

"Josh from our school helped me, since you hung up on me." he looks up to me again.
"I'm so sorry George.." i apologise as i lay my hand on his cheek and wipe his eyes.

"I'm sorry i thought it would be a stupid call like the other few times." i say as i slowly kiss his cheek.

"I will pick up from now on." i say to him "okay." he mumbles before it gets quiet again.

"you shouldn't have drunken that much." i say while we sit on our stairs "i saw your Instagram story, i got jealous." he then says.

I look to the side while he keeps his eyes away from mine. "we aren't together anymore. you can't be jealous." i tell him.

"just because we aren't together, doesn't it mean I don't love you." he suddenly says "I'm scared of losing you even more than before."

I feel my heart beating fast.

The way i would kiss him right now..
i would just grab his face, turn it around to me and kiss him until we both lose our breaths.

I wanna feel his hands on my body.
I wanna melt to his touch and just fall asleep with him in my arms again.

but I can't..
not after what he has said about me.

"I think you sould go home now." i say as i get up "Tiana is also waiting for me." i add. He stares at me "okay.." George sighs "good night Clay." he starts to walk away.

"good night George." i watch him walking away into the darkness. I look up to my window and back to George before sighing.

"Let me drive you!" i run over to George "I'll just get the Keyes and drive you home." i say "really? thanks clay." he smiles at me.

after I drove George home, and myself back.
I caught Tiana sleeping in my bed with a hoodie of mine.

I turn off the lights before laying myself down next to her. I turn my back to her and slowly close my eyes.


"I've to go this way." Tiana point to the right "alright, see you at lunch." I slowly go to the left side.

when I fully turned around, I get pullen inside the storage room. "what-" I say but then I see that it's just George.

He pushes me against the door before locking it. "what are you doing?" I ask and the next thing i see is how he presses his lips against mine.

he roughly kisses me as he starts to touch my body. I stop him as soon as he reached the 'end' of my body.

"George what are you doing?" I ask again "why was she wearing your hoodie?" he suddenly asks "my hoodie?" I look confused at him.

"your hoodie. you said you guys were just friends!" he angrily stares at me "she's wearing a normal shirt-" I say.

That's when George pulled out his phone and showed me Tiana's Instagram story.

"and you guys slept in the same bed." he angrily says "even if we did-" I push his hand down "we aren't together George."

It's a picture of Tiana in my bed, wearing my hoodie with the caption 'morning! with who am I?'

he stares at me.

"I still care!" he shouts "how can I not care when you're with another girl?" he adds "George she took my hoodie while I drove you." I say.

"when I came back she was asleep with it on."
George stares at me.

"please stop this already-" I unlock the door "we're going separat paths. Stop involving yourself in my love life." I say before leaving him there.

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