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Everyone was on edge by the time Keith came back and went to find Lance. Lance was in the training deck and learned to keep his balance with the tail, he stopped the session when he heard the footsteps and was facing the door by the time it opened. Keith froze and went to hug Lance "I thought I'd never see you on your feet again!" Lance fell back with the hug and sighed "Nice to see you too... Did you get taller" Keith sighed slightly "Well I was away for 2 years" Lance cleared his throat "Weeks... For us it was weeks... we have to tell you about Shiro... and me" Keith was concerned and confused "What Lance" Lance looked down "I think it's best to hear it from the horse's mouth and I know how" Lance got everyone to meet at red and Lance absorbed some energy from red and Alfor spoke through him "My dear daughter, Allura. I thank you for looking after your brother through all this." Allura teared up "Father! It was nothing, Lance was the younger child so it was just my duty as the big sister" Keith was confused "So he isn't just Altean he's a Prince?!" Alfor nodded "And has feelings for you kid!" Keith blushed purple "Y-your Highness I..." Alfor sighed slightly "You have my blessing." Then suddenly Shiro's voice came through "And he has mine" Everyone's eyes went wide "So it was true" Allura said shakily as Shiro spoke again "Yeah. Black saved me but not my body. Alfor will get his anger out at Hagar before he leaves me back but if my body starts acting crazy it's probably your father Princess" Allura rolled her eyes "He heard what happened?" Shiro nodded through Lance "And by whom." Lance fell to the floor and sighed "He's in black but we can get him out after Dad's mind fucks Hagar. his words, not mine"

Keith looked at them and rubbed the bridge of his nose "What happened when I was gone?" Lance sighed "A lot actually" Then Krolia came in with Romelle and introduced her "Princess this is only one of countless Alteans Lotor 'saved' to use for quintessence. Her name is Romelle" Romelle bowed "Princess!... Why are you helping a half galra off the floor?" Lance sighed "I'm her brother dipshit! Cause of Lotor I ended up like this" his eyes went yellow and held his head "Get out of my head!" Keith got the others away from Lance and used his body as a shield. Lance's eyes went back to normal and he sighed "I'm fine. Just something" He looked at the others and looked at his hands "I won't hurt you" His ears and tail went down and Keith went over "We know you won't but it looked like you were being controlled" Lance smiled slightly "I missed your mullet" Keith scoffed and moved Lance's braid "can you still talk about hair" Lance sighed "you choose the mullet. This grew out when I was... It's not the same" Keith sighed "Sorry" Lance smelled Keith and smiled "My dad was right. I was gonna say it when the fighting was over but I don't want to hide it anymore" Lance hugged Keith and Allura smiled "I ship it but Lance look at Your nails" Lance sighed "What about them Alla?" Allura loved hearing that name "their back to normal" Lance looked down at the armour legs "But there are reminders" Romelle was confused "Wait so Lotor. The saviour caused you to be like that" Lance's eyes went yellow "DON'T CALL ANYONE FROM THAT FAMILY A SAVIOUR!" she backed away "Sorry!" Lance sighed "His father destroyed Altea! His mother did this and he captured generations of our people for power!" Red roared and put an end to that Lance went to his room.

Keith went to check on Lance and smelled his heat from halfway across the castle "Smells like he was so stressed that he didn't get one since he was taken." Keith went and knocked at Lance's door "Hey Lance... Are you nesting or trying to tough it out?" Lance sighed "Trying to tough it out. it's hard Keith~" Keith backed away from the door and Lance whimpered "Please don't go" Keith sat by the door "How many did you miss" Lance sighed as he started thinking clearly "Like 6-8. I was unconscious at some points. Ask Lotor he was overseeing it from before I passed out." Keith looked down "I never trusted him! He might lie again, he's the one who told us that you died and got us to stop looking. Coran tried the locater in the armour but it lead to a bunch of space debris" Lance sighed "You found the helmet" Lance winced and sighed "This quiznacking sucks" Keith went to get his jacket and smelled it "perfect for Lance but oh quiznack!" Keith brought it back and opened the door just long enough to throw the jacket in and Keith heard Lance purring from the other side "Nice to know that stink is making you better" Lance sighed "Not a word! Since the changes there are a few behavioural things I noticed, I hiss or growl at those that piss me off, and when I'm happy my tail..." Keith giggled slightly "You are like a cat but you will always be my golden retriever boyfriend" Lance was confused and Keith blushed "I mean if you want to be my boyfriend" Lance got the door open and pulled Keith in and kissed him "I did but with your accidentally using your alpha abilities on me it never gave the chance" Keith tried to get out but Lance was strong "Lance that's the heat talking. I don't want to take advantage of you like this. Allura will kill me" Lances' skin was getting back to normal if not a redder tone than before, he started taking off the undersuit of the armour and bit his lip "It's not taking advantage if you have my consent~" Keith got away and locked the door from outside "holy quiznack!" He went to Allura red-faced "Allura your brother is crazy!" Allura rolled her eyes "He's in heat what you expect!" Shiro tilted his head "I didn't expect him to have one after all that. I didn't have a rut yet after being Zarcons prisoner" Keith glared at him "Drop the act! Lance told us all but you," Shiro sighed "So? There's nothing you can do. The original is dead! There was no body left, there were many others that were made from the DNA from his arm they took 2 years ago" Keith went for him but Allura held him back "Remember what their plan is" Allura whispered then looked to 'Shiro' "So what does the galra want with you now? they got my brother and he would be able to do your job better if he didn't fight off the mind control" 'Shiro' smirked "Funny you mention that he's my backup. The witch has a soft spot for Alteans so the transformations will only last as long as he sees himself as a monster cause of it... the legs and tail are unsure. She didn't expect it to work that well" Alluras eyes went wide "So if you can be trusted there is a way to get him back to the brother I knew... Just grown up?" he nodded "Even if I'm just a clone I have his memories of how close we all got, picking the leader. All that sentimental shit!" Keith's galra started to show and got 'Shiros' attention "Oh! so you do have some galra in ya. You looked too human for us to take you"

experimented Lance auWhere stories live. Discover now