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“There you are.” Apollo pointed a gun at me. “You think you're just gonna start over and forget that I own you.”

I moved back, my heart thundering in my chest. “No, no, you couldn’t have found me.”

He laughed. “I found you once back in Vegas. Do you think I couldn’t do the same right now? And that trick with your twin sister, very clever.”

“Leave her out of this. You can just take me.” Fear slithered into my skin.

“Don’t worry, I’m taking none of you. You’re both trouble to me, especially you.” he shot.


I jolted up from the bed gasping. I was panting, and sweating.

It’s just a dream. I got away from him and he’s never going to find me. He’s never going to find me. He’s never going to find me.

I took a few deep breaths and calmed my nerves with it. My heart was still beating so fast and my skin felt hot. I calmed down and that’s when I sensed it.

I shot out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I pulled down my pajama pants together with my panties.

I had just entered my period.

I sighed and took care of that little issues then got back to bed.

I lay there awake.

It had been three months since I started getting these nightmares...since we saw that man in the woods. Not every night but most nights. Worse as days went by. I hadn’t told anybody about it because I wanted none of them to worry. I told Callum it was okay to still use the targets for my shooting but he suggested some other place instead. Sometimes I would convince him to just go there but we wouldn’t even spend more than an hour in my training.

Telling Amanda was even worse, she suggested that I don’t go out alone and unarmed. I know that man was still out there, whether or not he was Apollo's, I don’t know but sooner or later we’re all gonna have to face this issue. And if Apollo was still looking for me then it was an even bigger problem.

I didn’t know at what time I passed out but it was already dawn when my eyes opened. I had tossed and turned a lot, I started assuming the rest of the house could hear my restlessness. I got out of bed early enough, the sun had just started rising and the roosters were making it clear that it was dawn. I didn’t want to sleep in and risk having another nightmare.

I freshened up and headed for the kitchen. I made breakfast and put it on the table.

Just as I finish setting up the table, Callum walked in.

“Good morning family.” I was my usual charming self.

“Whoa! How long have you been up?” He walked by the table.

“Just early enough.” I took a seat. “Care to join me?”

“I was going to let the chicken out right now but screw that.” He took a seat across from me. He got up again, “You're too far.” He moved to the next seat, close and I moved my chair closer to him.

“Are you satisfied?” I asked coyly.

He had a beautiful grin on his fresh morning face that made me wonder what he would look like in the middle of the night. “A little.” He leaned in.

“Uuu, breakfast.” Brenda walked in and I heard a silent groan of annoyance inside Callum’s throat as he pulled away. I chuckled at it.

“We’ll finish this later on.” He whispered to me before turning to Brenda. “Starting with a good morning would be nice. You’re up early.”

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