Kei Tsukishima x Reader

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(i was listening to "your stupid face" and staring up at my Haikyu poster and my brain actually worked and i got an idea it just sounds like things he'd say at the beginning)

"Y'know Y/n I really hate you're face sometimes" Kei said to Y/n while she handed him his water bottle.

Y/n was team manager for the Kurasuno boys volleyball team. She never knew why Tsukishima was so mean to her but she just brushed it off

"That's fine you don't have to like my face at all but good job out there" Y/n replied casually

(i totally didnt just try to look for my phone while it was in my hand so i could listen to that song for the millionth time today)

School the next day was like any other Tsukishima insulting Y/n and Yamaguchi making up for it.

"Y/n if the world were perfect you'd be completely gone but I guess I'll just have to live with your stupid face" Tsukishima shrugged while walking past her. She rolled her eyes and moved on. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima walked home that day and the subject of Y/n was brought up.

"She's really nice she helped me in geometry today and she's really cute" Yamaguchi mentioned holding up a paper with 100% in red pen on it .

"She's not that smart plus her stupid little face isn't even that cute" Tsukishima said

"Whatever man" Yamaguchi walked off leaving Tsukishima infront of his house.

Tsukishima thought about Y/n almost all afternoon and he realized he may have had a crush on her. She wasn't just some vermin anymore.

"Oh no" He facepalmed

"Noooooo" he whined to himself

(thats quoting my second favorite part of "Your stupid face" btw)

The next day he decided to be "nice" to Y/n.

"You're actually kinda smart..." Tsukishima said quietly

Y/n smiled at him

"Why are you so happy?!" Tsukishima exclaimed

The next few months passed and Tsukishima was being mean but nice to Y/n.

~In the boys lockeroom~

"I'm like a song on mute without her and I feel out of place when she's not around its so annoying" Tsukishima told Yamaguchi

"So you finally found a girl and it's the one you've been bullying since middle school" Yamaguchi deadpanned

Tsukishima rolled his eyes and finished tying his shoes. He walked onto the court with his friend to warm up. The first thing he saw was Y/n and Hinata passing a volleyball back and forth. She looked really happy and Hinata was staring at her like she was the most amazing thing ever. Tsukishima hadn't noticed that he had zoned out.

"Yo earth to Tsukishima" Yamaguchi waved a hand in front of Tsukishima's face.

"Let's just practice" Tsukishima said blandly

"Alright idiots Nishanoya is sick so Y/n will be taking his spot we are doing recivers versus two fronts and setter" Coach Ukai announced directing a few people on the court. Y/n was placed in middle back and Tsukishima was middle front. It was a great practice and Y/n even helped Hinata with his spikes nearing the end. Practice was over so Yamaguchi, Y/n, and Tsukishima began to walk home. They crossed a bridge at one point and a biker almost crashed into Tsukishima making him jump back bumping into Y/n making her fall into the river below.

"Oh my gosh Y/n! Are you ok?!" Yamaguchi said looking over the edge if the bridge 

Tsukishima stared for a second but then walked off.

"I'm fine" Y/n said somehow smiling

Tsukishima went hope and banged his head on the wall.

"I should've helped her she probably hates me now" He sighed

He decided to relax so he went to a hill where him Y/n and Yamaguchi used to play as kids. On the hill was a huge oak tree with a swing. Tsukishima sat with his back to the tree listening to his music. He sat there for a while and suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Y/n standing in front of him in her casual clothes.

"What are you doing here" Tsukishima asked sort of rudely

"Well I normally come here to relax but I guess I'm gonna talk to you now" Y/n said smiling

"Why you should be mad at me I just left you in a river and didn't even act like I gave a care in the world" Tsukishima reasoned

"Are you sorry?"

"Well of course I am bu-" Tsukishima was cut off

"Then I forgive you" Y/n replied calmly

"No why do you do that! Why don't you hate me after all I've done?!" Tsukishima exclaimed

"Because I love you Kei" Y/n replied not evem thinking in the moment

"You what?"

"I love you" Y/n mumbled

"I never expected those words from you" Tsukishima said a bit shocked

Kei stood up to face Y/n. She was ready for a harsh rejection and an insult thrown at her face but instead she felt Kei's hand intertwine with hers. She looked up at him smiling.

"So Kei do you wanna be my boyfriend?" Y/n asked

"...yes" Kei said rolling his eyes

After that day the two were rarely seen apart mainly because Y/n is clingy and likes being around Kei. This wasn't really a problem for Kei but he acted like he didn't like it when people were around. A few months after they got together there was a game against Nekoma. Tsukishima didn't want to go because of Kuroo. Y/n was on the sidelines helping out with Kiyoko and Yachi until the game was over. Tsukishima played well as well as the rest of the team and when the game ended Y/n went out to congratulate him with a hug. She ran to him and hugged around his torso.

"Good job Kei" Y/n smiled

Kei wrapped his arm around her but the hug was rudely interrupted by Kuroo of all people.

"So skinny bones finally has a girlfriend?" Kuroo questioned

"Yeah what's it to you?" Kei responded

"Oh no I was just gonna say she's super cute and I was gonna ask for her number for one of my teammates" Kuroo laughed

"She doesn't want their number let's just go with our team Y/n before he get annoying" Kei said walking away with Y/n

".... Kei that's my brother" Y/n deadpanned


Kuroo started laughing a bit

"Then why don't you go to Nekoma?" Kei asked

"She lives with our mom and I live with our dad" Kuroo explained

Kuroo punched Y/n playfully on the arm

"The teammate wanting my number was a joke right?" Y/n asked

"No it wasn't Kenma just wanted your number so you guys could talk again" Kuroo said laughing

Kurasuno was about to leave so Y/n and Tsukishima bid a goodbye and went to the bus. Tsukishima didn't let Y/n have the window seat but she was happy just to sit by him.

(im bored of this one so the end)

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