Obey Me Romatic Headcanons

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- Likes holding hands and don't bother with sweaty palms because his gloves will help aid that issue.

- Shows you off and is very proud to be with you.

- He definitely would be the type to put on some music and dance with you. Swaying to the rhythm and basking in your company to his favorite records.

- Somewhat likes matching outfits. He likes matching styles and colors and loves when you wear colors he likes.

- Keeps photos of you everywhere where he works in frames.

- Calls you doll(face), sweetheart, darling, anything that's a classic pet name.

- Likes seeing you do domestic things like cooking or cleaning.


- Good at math and will help you with homework if you give him some love in return.

- You can't tell me he's not one of those people who's a total goofball at school and literally can't catch any other subject except math.

- Calls you babe, baby, or mama (like how beast boy does to raven)

- Keeps his hand on you or his arm around you in public.

- Hates having to share you with anyone.

- I think crows just flock to him sometimes and eventually you start seeing more crows around or at your window and find little trinkets or dead animals they give you.


- After he starts dating you he puts his Ruri-chan body pillow away because now he has you.

-You eventually get used to sleeping in a bathtub.

- Doesn't like PDA but loves affection in private.

- Gets really jealous over you but tries to not make it an issue.

- Calls you his player two (obviously), sweetie, and baby.

- Loves seeing you in his clothes like a random shirt or his hoodies.

- Likes sharing his earbuds with you and has made a playlist for him and you to listen to with a mix of your favorite songs.

- Likes going to human beaches with you


- Reading and Ghibli movies together is a must.

- Gives you the best reading suggestions not like he does when other people ask. When other people ask he tells them boring books and ends the conversation but when you ask he'll give you a genuine answer and then tell you all about it.

- Calls you kitten jokingly but otherwise its normally baby, darling, or sweetheart.

- Reads to you

- Loves going to cat cafes with you and you two have become regular costumers to a few of them.

- Doesn't really like when others have your attention but will let it pass unless its Lucifer.

- His wrath can only be tamed by you.


- Loves doing your hair and makeup and it always ends up great.

- Manicures and Pedicures together become a regular thing to do together.

- Takes pictures of you to post or print all the time.

- Loves styling outfits for you.

- No one touches his hair except you and a few others.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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