Obey Me Character Headcanons

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Obey Me is one of my recent obsessions so now you get headcanons from me :D


- Definitely the kind of person to hold you in his lap when he works but if you start squirming too much he'll tell you be still or get off

- Asks you to get his approval on your clothes before you leave the house (He knows people are bad so hes just making it less of a chance you get harassed)

- Doesn't care for PDA prefers to keep his public image clean

- If you are doing something to upset him in public he'll smack your butt not hard but a warning

- We all know he's possessive

- Literal avatar of pride so hes very proud to be with you and of you

- Somehow would know random stuff like clothing size, blood type, illnesses, and basically anything you'd need to know to fill out a form

- If any of the brothers are causing trouble he sends you to warm them he's annoyed and if they don't quit he deals with it

- He likes when you bring him things like tea and snacks when he's working

- If you think you're not pretty he'll get annoyed and say stop being stupid


- Probably not the fondest of others getting your attention

- Lucifer didn't approve at first mainly for your sake

- He isn't afraid to show his love in public that means you get kisses, hugs, hand holding, his arm wrapped around your waist all the good stuff

- Thinks its funny to tease you and thinks your reactions are cute

- Literally the rizz master (second to Asmodeus)

- Matching outfits!!!!


- Literally his goddess

- He may seem like a tsundere at first but after a while he drops the act and acts like he cant even live without you

- If you're gone for more than a day he gets sad

- Lets you name some of his fish

- Very possessive doesn't like other guys around you other than his brothers and not even them sometimes

- Will keep you close to him in public if he isn't already holding your hand or has an arm around your waist or shoulders

- Gets flustered when you give him kisses out of the blue

- Can you tell Levi is one of my favorites

- He probably rants to you about things that are bugging him

- He'll lay on top of you with his head on your stomach of chest talking while you mess with his hair or rub his back

- Matching pfps

- You're probably all over his social media

- You cant tell me he's not a streamer and he'll ask you to come hang out with him he's not afraid to be with you

- Shares and earbud with you when hes listening to music


- A bit mean at times but he still loves you

- Uses the cat emojis more than the normal round ones

- Totally didn't name a cat your middle name and pretended he had no idea that was your middle name

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