[•Chapter 22: Scott's Secret•]

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Scott nods,"Yeah, took a lot of work to bring it together even if it is in Ruins now. . . A lot good memories, a lot of bad but good memories.", Scott smiled at the old streets as he kept up with Pix, though Pix wasn't walking too fast he just in a bit of pain or at least his muscles were.
"So; Which empire would you like to see first?"
"Well, you did bring me here, do why not yours?"
Scott nods, leading the way to his old empire and home.


"See this here?"
Pix was given another book,"This book explained more about two of the Titans.", Pix opened the book.
"They were protectors of my empire, before one was turned to a Demon and they battled out and fell, creating the world we walk on."
Pix smiled,"That's amazing!", Pix pit the book in his bag, pulling out his Polaroid Camera and began to snap pictures and investigate the items.


". . . And this is; This is The Ocean Empire.", Pix smiled, though it was in Ruins it must have been magnificent empire.
"Is must have been beautiful."
"It was. . ."
As Pix took pictures and looked around, Scott finally felt short on breath and his legs felt weak so he slowly sat down on an old stair to try and gather himself.
"Scott? Are alright??"
Pix approached Scott, worried for him as his breathing was shallow and seemed to shuddering.
"Pix. . . I need to tell you something. . ."
Pix sat next to him,"Yeah, what's wrong?", "I need to get this off my chest, for the sake of my sanity and for the sake of you not having to worry much about me.", Scott took a deep breath, curling his fingers and digging his nails into his palm.
"Remember, how I know about my past life?"
"Yes. . ."
"And you remember the Hermits?"
"Of course."
Scott gulped,"One of them, knew my name and stated he knew who I was when I said I had no idea. . . I felt bad I had to lie.", Pix was taken it back, lie?- Wait.
"So, you and Gem knew who they were so, why did you both lie?", "Gem lied because she's from their world but is a being that change her appearance but can't in one place at once. Me? I lied because I had. . . I had no choice.", Pix titled his head,"What do you mean, you had no choice?", Scott knew there was no turning back now.
"I can remember, see and feel what other versions of me can."
. . .
"In the original world, like Fwhip, I'm an admin but Admins have some side effects and mine. . . Mine was to be connected to the entire multiverse, all my different versions and hence. . ."
Suddenly, Pix realised that everything clicked in his head as Scott confessed to him the truth.
From the scars, to the headaches, pain and. . .
"That's why you got so mad at Sausage and Joel, you were aware of the multiverse and what happens if someone messes with it."
Scott nods,"Exactly, hence why I could never tell anyone and I was forced to play along with the world whether I like it or not.", Pix felt bad for him, he could never tell anyone what he knew and how much pain he could be in every day and yet still walk around and act like nothing was wrong.
"Heh; I'm a pretty good actor huh?"
"I dunno whether to be proud or concerned for you, Scott."
Scott waved his hand,"Fair enough. I never told anyone, let alone someone in a different world not even Gem knows.", Pix then realised something,"Wait-If you could never tell anyone, how are you telling me this?", Scott took his hat off, running his hand through his hair,"You're different Pix, I dunno why I have that feeling, but I feel like I can confine in you.", Pix smiled, that meant a lot seeing as he wasn't as active as the others, Scott smiled and with some help he stood back up,"Don't worry about me, Pix. And thank you for listening to me.","I should be thanking you, none of this would have happened if you hadn't stopped me from giving to Sausage Supreme.", Scott smiled, looking around and directed to another Empire,"Let's visit a few more Empires for your work, take some things home and have a nice cup of tea.", Pix smiled, despite how tired he looked or how much pain he could be in, he qas smiling though it and honestly it surprised Pix he wasn't an actor.


Joel had been sitting in front of the Rift for an hour now.
"Agh! How can I close the Rift if I have no magic, I probably couldn't close it if I was still in my God body!"
Joel groaned and lay on his back, pondering of what to do since Sausage told him to fix it; Even though it was his fault!
Joel turned his head, seeing Oli Jr or the baby dragon,"Oh hey, sorry let me shallow in my own desperation as I try and think of a way to freaking fix this mess.", Joel sighed as he started back into the sky, Sausage was probably going to try and keep Gem away and make sure Scott didn't return and find out the Rift was opened.
. . .
The dragon bit his foot, trying to drag him somewhere so Joel sighed, sitting up and standing up,"What do you want to show me?", and the baby dragon ran down to the beach and Joel followed.


"W-Wait, not the caves!"
The dragon ran in, Joel followed after them, doing his best to keep up with the fast baby dragon that was surprisingly fast.
Turning a corner, the dragon was clawing at the dead end.
"Huh? Something behind here??"
It ran to Joel, nudging him towards the wall and continued to claw at the wall.
. . .
Joel pulled out an pickaxe, took a swing and began to break a way into the wall.
Inside. . .
"This is where Wizard Gem hid her stuff?!"
Inside was a chamber, full of Gem's old stuff and in the centre of her chamber was her staff.
"Is this what you wanted to show me?"
The dragon jumps up on the rock, Joel approached Gem's old staff.
It was a simple staff but what made it special was the gem that provided her power was handcrafted by her after she banished and preformed magic on her own.
"Gem; Hope you can forgive me, but I need to fix this. . ."
Joel reached for the staff, grabbing it he felt a shock wash though his body and them began to glow again.
"I'll. . . I'll put it back once I'm done."
Joel picked up the dragon and left with the staff, though he covered the entrance so Sausage Supreme wouldn't find it.

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