[•Chapter 29: Just Talking•]

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. . .
Joel lay on the his base floor, staring at the stars above him and just let his mind wander.
"Your wife looked beautiful. . ."
Joel sat up in shock, confused, but he turned around and saw Lizzy,"O-Oh, it's you. . . Huh? How did you know?-", Lizzy walked over, taking his hand and she was unable to feel his hands as he still wearing gloves but his gloves were soft.
"When I touched your hand, when you were casting that spell, I saw hundreds if not thousands of these happy memories of you with this lady blue skinned woman. . .", Joel looked away, punning his knees into himself as Lizzy kneeled next to him.
"Yeah, she was my wife. . . The light of my life. . . Heh, she always involved with our friends and was the nicest girl you could meet and. . . The fact she brings me out of my comfort zone, get me out of old castle. . .", Joel felt tears whelming up, everything around him seemed to disappear and there was a ringing in his ears.
"Now-, I-I want nothing more than to disappear in my mind. . .! Pretend none of this happened, or is happening. . .! And wish no one pulls me out!. . ."
Joel grabbed his hair, tears now streaming down his face, he wanted nothing more than to go back to ignoring everything around him, go back to his Mezaela home, be in denial and never be pulled out of his mind again.
But Lizzy slowly and gently moved his hands from his hair, he didn't look at her but he was trying to stop crying.
Lizzy just let him rest his head on her chest, let him cry and let him come to terms with his mind.
. . .
Joel began to calm down, he slowly came to his senses and out of his mind. . . He hugged Lizzy back, she smiled and pat the king on the back.
"It's okay Joel. . . I'm sure she would have wanted you to be happy, continue on and. . . From her memories, she seemed to be the most wonderful person. . ."
. . .
"Joel, I know in the past you were always in your own world, you were taken and forced into a role you didn't want, and you were unable to tell us how you actually felt."
Joel looked at Lizzy, she smiled and fixed his crown,"I'm not the Lizzy you know, but. . . I know you're trying your best to help and come to terms to everything that's happening."
Joel took a deep breath, Lizzy smiled as he was now more calm and was wiping his tears.
"You should be more open, I know a mind seems the best place to go but sometimes. . . It isn't.", Joel nods, it was only way he coped for years.


Sausage turned to the door, there stood in the doorway holding a blanket was Hermes,"Hermes, are you okay?", he looked sad, Sausage knelt down in front of Hermes,"Hey, what's wrong-?", Hermes hugged his dad, tears in his eyes but Sausage was surprised and confused, why was he-?
. . .
"Hermes, do you feel bad that you didn't notice Sausage Supreme pretending to be me?"
Sausage sighed, holding his child,"Oh, Hermes. It's okay, you wouldn't have thought I was being impersonated.", Sausage sat on the bed, sitting Hermes on his lap,"And besides, you were so brave and you saved my life.", Hermes looked up at his dad, smiling a little and his dad smiled back.
"And besides, your dad was being stupid and messing with something he shouldn't have, and this incident really taught me a lesson.", Hermes giggled, Sausage wiped his tears,"If you want, you can sleep in my room tonight for tonight.", Hermes immediately jumped into the bed, Sausage smiled and gave Hermes his favourite toy before he too lay in bed and turned off the light.


Owen entered the room, seeing Scott had a pillow on his head and seemed to be pressing it on his ears hard.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up!"
"He's not back. . .! He's not coming back!.  . ."
Owen slowly approached Scott, seeing tears in his eyes and his eyes were wide in horror.
Owen thought of a way to calm him down, he opened a drawer and looked for a Walkman in the drawers, throwing aside a notebook, letter opener, sketches for builds and pulling out a Walkman, he put in batteries.
Scott fekt the pillow removed from his head the voices grew louder and then. . . Music.
Scott was surprised, he was hearing Witchcraft Scott panic about Xornoth but now his mind was silent but music filled it in.
Scott turned to Owen, who sat next to him and hugged him.
Scott hugged back immediately, he was under stress, fear and was in so much pain whether it be physically mentally and emotionally.


Pix sat on the floor of his museum, he couldn't sleep.
How could he, felt sick and scared. . .
He looked at the book, picking it up he closed it again, hid it under his bed and lay down and hoped he'd feel better in the morning.

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