The Devil and Black Widow

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Y/n's fist bounced off the office door as she relentlessly pounded against it. Both cars were in the drive, so she knew the men were home. Shouting was coming from the other side of the door. Though, Y/n wasn't sure what was being said. Raising her hand to being banging on the wood again, Y/n's fist met a solid chest instead. 

"What- Y/n? What's wrong?" Tobirama caught hold of her hand before she sagged against his chest. 

Concern filled him as he glanced back to look at his brother. "What is it?" Hashirama asked asked as he approach the two. 

Shoving Tobirama roughly, Y/n nearly pounced onto Hashirama. "The fuck is he?!" She yelled as she gripped his shirt, wrinkling the pristine fabric. "Tell me where in the hell the bastard is so I can kill him!" 

Tobirama wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist, "Hikari," he said sternly, "you need to calm down." 

"Fuck you!" She shouted as she reared her elbow back, catching Tobirama in the cheek. "You mother fuckers better tell me where he is!" 

Keeping his grip on her, Tobirama looked to Hashirama as Y/n flailed wildly in an attempt to strike either one of them. Hashirama grabbed his phone from the desk. He held up his hand to Y/n as he pressed the phone to his ear. 

"Where are you?" Hashirama asked. "Y/n is hysterical-what? I- Use the back entrance." Hanging up the phone, Hashirama looked at Y/n with a mixture of guilt and sorrow. "He's on the way." 

Going limp in Tobirama's arms, Y/n nearly sagged to the floor. Easing her down to the plush carpet, Tobirama cradled her gently. The brothers exchanged a look where Hashirama shrugged at Tobirama's plea. They were lost as to the gravity of the situation. Y/n was silently sobbing in Tobirama's embrace now. 

Hashirama sat silently at his desk while Tobirama continued to hold the still Y/n. Her eyes were dry now, cheeks crusted from the salty tears she had shed. Y/n listened to the soft words that Tobirama offered her. He asked if he could help her. He asked what was wrong. He even asked if she wanted him to take her to Obito. Y/n remained stoic. Catatonic even. 

Footsteps echoed somewhere in the mansion. Hashirama grew tense as he stood, watching Y/n remain unflinching. Tobirama prepared himself for the male that approached. He didn't want to see the asshole again. He was already preparing a way for this to end by his hand. He just had to make sure Y/n would be safe. It didn't matter at the moment, though. 

Stopping in the doorway, the male's dark eyes surveyed the trio. "Leave us." 

"The fuck do you think you're doing?" Tobirama asked as he adjusted his hold on Y/n. "She-" A soft groan caught Tobirama's attention. The three men looked down to her as she nodded her head softly. Brushing her hair away, Tobirama kissed her temple, "I'll be outside the office, Hikari." 

As Tobirama reluctantly stood from Y/n, she braced herself on her hands. Her fingers curled into the blue pigmented carpet as she listened to the Senju brothers leave. The soft click of the door was followed by steady footsteps. The scent washed over her as she squeezed her eyes shut. This was the last thing she wanted to do. The last person she wanted to see. 

A heavy sighed floated in the quiet air. Squatting down, the man reached for Y/n's chin. The grip was soft yet firm. Titling her head upward, he coaxed her to look at him, "Okami," she blinked away the tears this time, "I will get them back for you." 

"Where are they?" Her voice was hoarse, making his heart ache. 

Moving to kneel, Madara's knees met the floor. Holding her face in both his hands now, he began to wipe the new tears away. His eyes were soft, lips in a small frown. "I have a suspicion of who has them. I'm going to make a few calls. They won't harm them. I promise you my life if they do." 

"Why?" She croaked. 

He shook his head, "I had nothing to do with this, Okami. This is statement against us both. I would never lay a hand on your children. I refuse to harm anyone you care for. No matter how much it angers me to say so." 

Y/n's gaze fell to his chest. She was so lost. What should she feel right now? Relief? Disgust? Anger? Hate? She wanted to strangle him as he knelt there before her. Offering to help her. Offering to retrieve her daughters from the grasp of whatever mad man held them. Then again, could she harm him? Could she take his life? Ever? 

When she sat with Obito at the hospital, they remained silent. Obito had no idea what to do. Zabuza and Kakashi had zero leads. They called Haku and Rasa. No one had heard a word from anyone about the girls. That was because they didn't want Obito to suffer. It wasn't even Y/n they wanted to suffer. Madara was right. They were using Kikyo and Tsuki to get to Y/n; to get to Madara. 

As Y/n left the hospital, she didn't tell a single soul where she was going. Kakashi had begged for her to stay with Obito. Zabuza told her that she could stay with him. Even Viv had offered for Y/n to spend a few days at her apartment. But no. Y/n left in a stoic rage. Somehow keeping her composure until she entered the Senju mansion. 

"Will you come with me, my love?" Y/n wasn't sure how it happened, but she was now in Madara's arms as he helped her to stand. "Let me take care of you." 

"Can you save them?" She was so damn tired. The panic attack. The emotional rollercoaster. All she wanted was to sleep without fear. "Can you bring them home to me?" 

One hand slid against her cheek, "I've already sent the message, my love. I promise they'll be with you by morning." 

"Yes," she said without hesitation. "Please, take me away from here." 

Those words made Madara's heart swell with pride. He knew they were solely to make him bend to her will. They were to allow Y/n a moment of reprieve. A moment of selfishness. Some may view her as the most selfish person in the story. Some may see her as selfless. And maybe she was somewhere in between. That didn't matter to Madara, though. Not in the slightest. 

Scooping her into his arms, Madara carried Y/n to the door. Carefully, he opened the door to find both Hashirama and Tobirama in the foyer. 

"Where do you think you're taking her?" Tobirama roared immediately. 

Y/n looked at Tobirama with a sad smile, "It's okay, Tobi." 

Hashirama placed a hand on his brother's shoulder, "No, brother." 

Gritting his teeth, Tobirama gave a warning, "I want her returned here tomorrow." 

Walking away, Madara replied without looking back, "That will be up to her." 

While Y/n knew of the tunnels, she still hadn't entirely believed the stories of them. Perhaps the Senju's past was rather dark. Like the Uchiha. Y/n was lulled by the soft echo of Madara's steps in the darkness. The sconces were a low yellow light that offered little reflection in the tunnels. She wondered what they had been like back when the mansion was first built. 

Stepping into the night, Madara took the moment to look down at the woman he held. He hadn't wanted this moment to happen this way. Someone making a move against Y/n was out of the question. Someone making a move against him with using Y/n meant death. It seemed Y/n felt the same. 

"I want them dead," Y/n's voice was hushed as Madara eased her into the passenger seat of his SUV. As he stood to his full height, Y/n looked up at him with tired eyes. "I want to watch them die." 

"Okami," he held her chin softly, "I will let you slit their throat." 

What a promise. It seems as though the Devil and his Black Widow are together again. 

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